KOTA KINABALU, June 18, 2008: Today, SAPP calls this press conference to make a stand that we have lost confidence in the Prime Minister of Malaysia YAB Dato Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. In the coming sitting of the Parliament session starting Monday, June 23, our MPs will support a Vote of No Confidence on the PM. Whether the motion will be tabled by our Party MP or another MP will be decided in due course.
You did well. Go ahead and quit on Friday as you promised. Badawi the thick headed dimwit already started insulting SAPP leadership rather than answering the questions of SAPP leaders. He thinks by calling them names, he will stop the tide. What a dimwit for a PM. A curse indeed. All Sabah MPs except few dimwits who are beyond salvation point must quit the Barang Naik party and have an alliance with Pakatan. Already the people voted overwhelmingly for SAPP to join PR. The people are with you, the thieves are not. Those who stole Sabah's resources now call us names rather than meeting our demands. That shows where we stand in their eyes.
ReplyDeleteBadawi, SAPP president Yong Teck Lee is not going for personal greed.
ReplyDeleteWhat are you talking about??? So far as I know, Yong is rich even before he became a YB.
He is fighting for all Sabahans, and that is a noble thing!
You Badawi, had caused so much hardship to us ordinary citizens since you came to power.
How many times you increase fuel prices and it had caused me to owed the banks, because I simply cannot afford the extra costs!
You are the worst PM of Malaysia and Dr M is right! You are blind, deaf and uncaring.
Better you resign now, you will cause many many Malaysian people to be bankrupt, and I am going to be one.
Shame on you, Badawi.
1. Syabas diucapkan kepada Datuk Yong Teck Lee sehinggakan bapa saya sendiri terkejut dan terus menelefon saya dari Semenanjung. Saya juga terharu dengan sokongan beliau terhadap keputusan anda walaupun beliau tidak pernah ambil tahu mengenai parti SAPP.
ReplyDelete2. Apa yang diperlukan oleh Rakyat Sabah adalah 'Reformasi Politik' yang total. Ini perlu di rombak sepenuhnya bermula dari akar umbi lagi. Reformasi Politik yang saya sebutkan ini bermaksud mengubah/menukar terus (atau menilai semula) TUJUAN dan FUNGSI adun dan MP seluruh Sabah. Disepanjang 5 tahun saya bertugas di Sabah, saya dapati kebanyakan (bukan semua) ADUN/MP Sabah lebih mementingkan diri dan keluarga masing-masing daripada keutamaan membela rakyat.
3. Saya berikan beberapa contoh daripada penelitian saya: Adun daripada UMNO di Sabah bertindak seperti raja dan lanun. Maaf jika terkasar bahasa, tetapi inilah realitinya. Mereka lebih mementingkan ketamakkan harta untuk digali oleh diri sendiri dan sanak saudara selagimana memegang jawatan selaku Yang Berhormat. Memang usia berkuasa kurang 5 tahun, tetapi dalam tempoh itulah mereka akan menghalalkan segala tindakan tanpa mengira kesusahan orang lain. Pengambilalihan tanah secara paksa seperti kes Tanjung Labian, Tingkayu dan lebih 10 kes lagi menyokong kenyataan ini. Kesemua kes ini melibatkan ribuan pekebun kecil tidak kira apa bangsa pun. Saya dapati bangsa kadazan/dusun tidak terkecuali merujuk kepada kes Tingkayu yang berlangsung 3 malam berturut-turut di Buletin Utama TV3 baru-baru ini.
4. Secara jujur, saya dapati jawatan-jawatan seperti PKR, CDO, Ketua Daerah adalah tidak relevan kepada kepimpinan seseorang ADUN di Sabah. Bayangkanlah untuk mengadu perkara-perkara penting seperti keadaan sekolah/ jambatan/ rakyat miskin kepada ADUN 'disusahkan'. Pengadu perlu menghubungi CDO, kemudian CDO akan memikirkan adakah perkara tersebut menguntungkan diri beliau, kemudian diajukan pula kepada PKR. PKR selaku 'Pemimpin Kemajuan Rakyat' (atau timbalan YB) akan memikirkan sekali lagi keuntungan terhadap dirinya. Selepas itu barulah perkara tersebut sampai ke pengetahuan ADUN. Perkara ini tidak berlaku kepada negeri-negeri lain kerana kami bebas mengadu terus kepada ADUN tanpa tapisan. Malahan, ada sesetengah ADUN di semenanjung membuka pintu pada hari-hari yang tertentu untuk mendengar masalah rakyat.
5. Kepada mereka yang rapat dengan ADUN/MP, mereka lebih bernasib baik. Ini kerana mereka akan mendapat tempias projek sekaligus membudayakan rasuah, mengampu dan lain-lain gejala negatif. Pernah sekali saya berkenalan dengan seorang PKR di satu daerah Pantai Timur Sabah, sebelumnya beliau memakai kenderaan buruk. Sesudah dilantik menjadi PKR, dalam masa beberapa bulan, beliau menukar kereta pacuan 4 roda dan bercakap Inggeris tidak kira dengan orang kampung sekalipun.
6. Rakyat Sabah juga tidak terkecuali daripada permainan ini. Sejak pilihanraya 2004 lagi saya perhatikan kebanyakkan mereka mudah dibeli dengan harga 50 ringgit atau 100 untuk memenangkan calon. Ini sudah berbudaya dan masuk kedalam ruang saraf penduduk sehinggakan mereka amat takut jika parti lain berkuasa selain BN di Sabah. Memang kita akui kebanyakkannya kurang berpendidikan (terutama masyarakat luar bandar), namun kesilapan awal yang menyumbang kepada permasalahan ini adalah dengan 'memelihara' pengundi PATI sejak tahun 80-an lagi. Dalam pengamatan saya, memang terdapat ADUN UMNO yang memelihara PATI untuk dijadikan pengundi. Diberikan MyKAD, mencabul kedaulatan negara yang akhirnya kini sukar untuk kita bezakan warganegara Malaysia tulen atau ASPAL (asli tapi palsu). Jalan penyelesaian terhadap isu ini adalah mengisytiharkan kedaulatan sempadan serta-merta supaya identiti selaku warganegara Malaysia terjamin. Mungkin cara pelaksanaan Negeri Sarawak boleh digunapakai kepada Sabah.
7. Pendidikan adalah amat penting sekali. Bayangkan pada pilihanraya terkini, saya perhatikan teramat jarang penduduk tempatan di sekitar Lahad Datu, Kunak dan Semporna membaca akhbar dalam seminggu pilihanraya diadakan. Tetapi saya mesti sanjung kepada bangsa cina, sino-kadazan, kadazan/dusun/murut kerana lebih prihatin kepada pembacaan sehingga membuatkan mereka lebih kehadapan daripada lain-lain bangsa di Sabah. Apabila wadah rasmi harian (iaitu akhbar) tidak dibaca, maka jangan haraplah untuk membaca BLOG, website, pekeliling, dan akhbar-elektronik alternatif di Internet. Isu kurang pendidikan atau pendidikan terkebelakang ini MESTI dipandang serius oleh Kerajaan Pusat. Jangan hanya merasmikan 'Anjakan Perdana Pendidikan Malaysia' di sebuah pulau di Semporna sedangkan pengisiannya kosong untuk Negeri Sabah. Apabila pendidikan dapat dipertingkatkan, maka rakyat akan faham apakah makna 'Persekutuan', 'Kerajaan Sabah', 'Kerajaan Malaysia', 'Hak Mengundi', 'Apakah yang dikatakan CALON dalam pilihanraya', 'Apakah fungsi sebagai warganegara', seterusnya 'Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan ROYALTI' dan 'Menukar Kerajaan: Adakah Merbahaya Jika BN tidak lagi memerintah'.
8. Kejujuran, ketelusan dan 'tidak memperbodohkan rakyat sendiri' perlu ada dalam setiap diri ADUN/MP yang berkuasa di Sabah. Kadang-kadang rakyat terpaksa 'memujuk hati sendiri' atau 'bercerita baik mengubati perasaan' kerana termakan janji-janji Yang Berhormat. Kepada pembaca daripada Semenanjung, harap fikirkan fakta selepas ini masak-masak. Jangan hanya menuduh melulu terhadap rakyat Sabah seperti 'Itulah kamu- lainkali undilah BN lagi' dan lain-lain. Dari pengamatan saya, sekiranya berlaku penukaran calon terhadap sesuatu kawasan pada pilihanraya di Sabah, calon yang baru itu juga akan berperangai sedemikian (atau lebih buruk lagi) berbanding calon terdahulu. Apabila dapat berkuasa dalam 4 ke 5 tahun, seseorang YB akan bertindak meng'kaya'kan diri dan keluarga tanpa mengambilkira nasib rakyat. Inilah sepatutnya yang diperjuangkan. Saya meminta agar Datuk Yong Teck Lee dan rakan-rakan dapat mengubah gejala buruk ini dimasa akan datang. Jadilah 'Wakil Rakyat' yang sebenarnya - bukan makhluk perosak yang menyedut segala peluang kekayaan.
9. Saya amat berharap agar dalam seminggu-dua lagi, makin banyak parti-parti komponen Sabah bertindak sebegini terutama Parti LDP. Tindakan Tan Sri Chong Kah Kiat meletak jawatan Timbalan Ketua Menteri pada tahun 2007 perlu kesinambungan Datuk VK Liew. Jesteru, Datuk VK Liew perlu mengumumkan 'standing' LDP terhadap tsunami terbaru ini untuk melihatkan LDP benar-benar sebuah parti yang bermaruah. 'Standing' yang dimaksudkan tidak tertumpu kepada 'LDP keluar BN' sahaja, boleh jadi LDP mahu kekal dalam BN. Itu tidak mengapa. Apa yang penting, beliau mesti menyatakan pendirian parti beliau. Sesungguhnya pada saya, politik Negeri Sabah adalah matang sekali memandangkan isu lompat parti telah di 'excercise' sepenuhnya sebelum ini pada suatu masa dahulu di Sabah sehinggakan UMNO terpaksa diwujudkan disini.
10. Sesungguhnya, untuk memerintah dan mengurus 27 juta rakyat Malaysia bukanlah satu kerja yang mudah. Jika rakyat Malaysia dibahagi tiga, jelas hanya 1/3 sahaja yang betul-betul memahami politik. 2/3 lagi merupakan rakyat yang 'tidak-tahu apa-apa' dan lebih separuh daripadanya berada dalam kemiskinan. Saya teringat kerajaan pimpinan terdahulu hanya menaikkan 5 hingga 10 sen harga minyak (terakhir berada pada paras RM1.35) dan kerajaan sekarang melonjakkan nilai ini menjadi RM2.70 dalam tempoh kurang 5 tahun. Namun, rakyat mesti berfikir secara dewasa supaya 'persekutuan' (federation) yang telah kita wujudkan pada tahun 1963 tidak berpecah-belah atau memerintah sendiri. Jika perkara ini benar-benar terjadi, ini bermakna kemajuan yang kita kecapi adalah sia-sia. Mungkin anda boleh lihat contoh Bosnia, Slovakia, Timor Leste, Palau dan serpihan kerajaan USSR yang sampai hari ini masih terkapai-kapai untuk hidup. Perkara 'Biar Sabah diperintah sendiri', 'Mari Merdekakan Sabah', 'Kalau Sabah Memerintah Sendiri Lebih Baik' mungkin perlu ditukar kepada 'Ayuh Reformasikan Politik Sabah Agar Rakyat Terbela Dengan Baik' untuk menjadikan Sabah maju dan mentaliti rakyatnya setanding atau lebih baik daripada Semenanjung. Rakyat kini lebih memahami politik. Terima kasih kepada pemimpin terdahulu yang menyebabkan tahun 1997 penuh dengan kekacauan. Sebenarnya tanpa peristiwa 1997, kebanyakan kita mungkin masih lagi belum faham mengenai 'Majoriti 2/3', 'Dalam satu kawasan Parlimen terdapat 3 DUN', 'Jika menukar kerajaan hanya bermaksud menukar pengurus, bukan merampas' dan menyebabkan kita semua - Rakyat Malaysia benar-benar menghargai UNDI.
Perdana Menteri yang kuat tipu!
ReplyDeleteBerapa kali kau mahu tipu kami?
Kami di Sabah sokong cadangan presiden SAPP.
Berundur sekarang, saya sokong Razaleigh jadi PM.
UMNO Baru!
Mr.Yong Teck Lee..
ReplyDeleteYou are the bravest man in BN and have lotsa courages. You are the man! Shame on the rest for not standing up. Orang Sabah memang hebat!
i dont think any peninsular based parties are relevant to sabah's quest for success. they're not from sabah, they dont live in sabah, they have'nt taste the difficulties that the sabahan faced since long before.even pkr.promises are just promises. just my 2 cents.
ReplyDeleteSAPP...well done for having a backbone. we are lacking of this these days. i remember the days where yong teck lee was sabah CM....now he was righteous Cm (until he got pushed out by BN lobbyists)
ReplyDeleteItu la PM malaysia yang ada separuh gila,dan tak layak memimpin kerajaan malaysia,,
ReplyDeleteKepada kompenen BEE END yang lain kalau tak lompat bermakna anda adalah Kompenen yang pengecut di bumi sabah ini,,
Good luck yong teck lee. Sabahans at your mercy! You are the best and the bravest ex-Chief Minister Sabah ever have.
ReplyDeleteHow can Yong Teck Lee be clean? Maybe rich before being YB but Super, Super Rich after YB.
ReplyDeletePeople don't forget when he was Chief Minister then. What about Warisan Harta, the state investment arm?
But we Sabahans have short memories and want to believe what we want to believe.
You are doing vary well and I 100% support your action. Come out from BN and join PR, give PR a opportunity to change Sabah and Malaysia. We live so hard because of BN take from the poor to give to the rich (his family).Help us to end this!
ReplyDeletetabik springg yong!.related article
syabas yong teck lee...
ReplyDeletekita patut ajar pak lah & BN jgn senang2 ikut suka sj naikkan myak... org semenanjung jgn brani2 cbr org sabah.. apa dorg ingat kita ni apa bkn manusia kah? Pak Lah temberang sj lebih... ckap mau tlong rakyat tp kalau myak naik tolong rakyat kepala otak nya
Sunnguh berani and keputusan bijak untuk semua rakyat Malaysia.
ReplyDeleteSAPP, Bravo!
The vote has spoken(sound familiar?). More the 95% suggested SAPP to leave useless bn and more the 85% suggested SAPP to leave bn and joint PR. That's what Sabahan want and that's what Malaysian want!
ReplyDeleteBoth Sabah and Sarawak have contributed enormously to the growth and development of Peninsular Malaysia (Penang Bridge, North-South Highway, Petronas Twin
ReplyDeleteTower, Penang Bridge, etc. etc), financed by the states' rich Oil and Gas revenues. In return the 2 states have to beg for a paltry 5% from the Federal Government. THIS IS NOT FAIR AND EQUITABLE. WE NEED TO DEMAND OIL & GAS REVENUE OF AT LEAST 20%.
The cost of living in the 2 states are significantly higher than Semananjung, on average 15 - 30%. In terms of infrastructural development, it is shamelessly slow after more 40 years of independence. Roads are in shambles, rural schools are without proper water and electricity supply, crime rates are increasing at an alarming rate, immigrants are flooding Sabah...There is insufficient budget for urban planning, public transportation is an alien concept. We hear so much about the good stuff in KL - KTM komuter, LRT, Monorail, KLIA Ekspress, RapidKL, Rapid Penang....what Sabah and Sarawak have are some rickety buses run by profit motivated business enterprises. In fact the roads and transportation systems in India, Indonesia and Vietnam are better than those in Sabah and Sarawak. We have been talking about the PAN BORNEO 'Highway' since independence, but where are we? IT IS NOT FAIR TO TALK ABOUT IMPROVING PUBLIC TRANSPORT IN THE TWO STATES WHEN WE HAVE HARDLY ANY TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM IN THE FIRST PLACE. OIL AND GAS REVENUE SHOULD BE USED TO HELP PULL THE STATES OUT OF ITS MALAISE!
Despite all the short-comings and backwardness, the government raised petrol and diesel prices without much concern for the dire straits and sufferings of the rural folks in the 2 states. Federal ministers make flying visits and pretend to care and empatize with the sufferings of the average Sabahans and Sarawakians. How many of these ministers have actually experienced the harsh realities of Sabah and Sarawak? Staying in 5 star hotels and being chauffeured around in KK & Kuching is not it. Sorry, we cannot continue to "exploited" and "raped" of all our oil and gas reserves, timber and other natural resources. IT IS NOT FAIR. AS OIL AND GAS PRODUCING STATES, THE PRICES OF PETROL AND DIESEL IN SABAH AND SARAWAK SHOULD BE REDUCED TO THE LEVELS IN BRUNEI. AS WE DON'T HAVE PUBLIC TRANSPORT SYSTEM UNLIKE IN SEMANANJUNG, VEHICLE DUTIES AND ROAD TAXES SHOULD BE ABOLISHED FOR SABAH AND SARAWAK WITH IMMEDIATE EFFECT.
Now to Sarawak...Sarawak does not exist solely to service Semananjung. What benefits are there to Sarawak to supply hydro electricity power to Semananjung or to be the rice bowl for the country? What is the benefit of a multi billion aluminium smelter plant to the common men? IMPROVE BASIC INFRASTRUCTURAL AMENITIES AND STANDARD OF LIVING IN SABAH AND SARAWAK FIRST BEFORE HELPING OUT BIG BROTHER SEMANANJUNG.
Sabah and Sarawak needs to have a stronger voice within Malaysia, as equal partner to Semananjung as enshrined in the constitution. Sabah and Sarawak should not be treated as just one of 13 states in Malaysia.
SAPP, please pull out of BN and persuade your BN colleagues and component parties in Sabah and Sarawak to form a formidable political force. NO MORE MONEY POLITICS, NO MORE CRONYISM, NO MORE CORRUPTION, NO MORE RACIAL POLTICS, NO MORE SECOND OR THIRD CLASS CITIZEN. If we do nothing now, future generations of Sabahans and Sarawakians will suffer. TAKE UP THE CHALLENGE.
I think it’s time someone stood out of the coward crowd of BN and said something about the current leadership…. A few brave ones have spoken like Dr. Mahathir and now Mr. Yong. I for once was a stern supporter of BN and Abdullah but not anymore…. The current administration has done more damages to our livelihood in the last 5 years than the 35 years prior to Abdullah leadership.
ReplyDeleteHow can a backward person like Abdullah see the vision when you ask him anything, his only available and favorite answer is “I don’t know”? If a person from Kota Bharu is aware that a party is about to deflect from BN, how could a Prime Minister do not know about such a serious case? That goes to show the level of intelligence and caring this person has for his administration and for the nation. That goes to show he is not fit to be our prime minister. He has lack of advance knowledge on what is happening.
All he seems to care about are his new personal jet and his house in Perth.
Najib is not brave enough to stand up and challenge him not because he wanted to keep UMNO intact but simply because he was not ready to risk his ambition to be the next Prime Minister, hence buying time to show he is obedience and has all the patience and is loyal. This is all bull…. To me, he is a coward, only those who are ready to speak up now are the ones who dare the leadership for change and regardless if there are any hidden agendas, my vote will go to those who dare to speak up now then later.
Damages are done and are not reversible... I don't have to be Nostra Damus to predict what is going to happen to BN in the next general election, I can tell you now, BN will definitely be history and irrelevant in the next general election to come.
For those component parties within BN, it is now the right move to deflect from BN if you still want to survive. Leaving BN is not a matter of being disloyal to the current administration or be like "Kacang lupa kan kulit" but it is simply "a move for a change to be relevant and to improve the current crisis and suffering of the whole nation". You either deflect now or the rakyat will deflect you instead.
I am not speaking for Pakatan Rakyat nor for SAPP, but for only a tiny little vote among the masses which form the swirling millions.
The (Very) Cheated and no-more cheated Rakyat!
Leave BN now if you still wanted to be relevant or you will be left out instead.
ReplyDeleteIt is not about loyalty to BN, it is about loyalty to the nation!
BN has already lost my vote, if you leave BN now, you still can count my vote in the next general election.
It's time to vote for a change... I don't believe PR will fail us, if they do, we just change again.
Bangsa Malaysia
Dato' Yong,
ReplyDeleteI support SAPP to leave BN ASAP!
Please hit back to Pak Lah why he said you are greedy!
Could you tell in the media on Friday that UNMO or UMNO putra/s are not greedy????
I declare my support for Datuk Yong (http://sabahanpride.blogspot.com/2008/06/sp-we-support-datuk-yong.html).
ReplyDeleteEven if all the ball-less other YBs and MPs dont' support, the people of SABAH support!
Call for a gathering to show support, show Be End how many will come. We will come in millions!
The Giant has awakening in Sabah! Not so wise decision by Abdullah A.Badwi.There is more than meets the eye!
ReplyDeletePrime Ministers defeated by votes of no confidence
ReplyDelete[edit] Australia
James Scullin (1931)
Arthur Fadden (1941)
Malcolm Fraser (1975)[1]
[edit] Canada
Arthur Meighen (1926)
John George Diefenbaker (1963)
Pierre Elliott Trudeau (1974)[2]
Joe Clark (1979)
Paul Martin (2005)[3]
[edit] Denmark
Knud Kristensen (1947)
[edit] France
Georges Pompidou (1962)
[edit] Germany
Helmut Schmidt (1982)
[edit] India
Atal Bihari Vajpayee (1996)
[edit] Israel
Yitzhak Shamir (1990)
[edit] Italy
Benito Mussolini (1943)[4]
Amintore Fanfani (1954)
Romano Prodi 1st (1998)
Romano Prodi 2nd (2008)
[edit] Japan
Katsura Taro (1913)
Shigeru Yoshida 2nd (1948)
Shigeru Yoshida 4th (1953)
Masayoshi Ohira (1980)
Kiichi Miyazawa (1993)
[edit] New Zealand
Thomas MacKenzie (1912)
[edit] Norway
Christopher Hornsrud (1928)
Einar Gerhardsen (1963)
John Lyng (1963)
[edit] Papua New Guinea
Michael Somare (1980)
Paias Wingti (1988)
[edit] Solomon Islands
Francis Billy Hilly (1994)
Manasseh Sogavare (2007)
[edit] Tuvalu
Bikenibeu Paeniu (1999)
Faimalaga Luka (2001)
Saufatu Sopoanga (2004)
[edit] Ukraine
Viktor Yushchenko (2001)
Viktor Yanukovych (2004)
[edit] United Kingdom
Lord North (1782)—This is considered to be the first motion of no confidence in history
John Russell, 1st Earl Russell (1866)
Benjamin Disraeli (1868)
William Gladstone (1885)
Robert Gascoyne-Cecil, 3rd Marquess of Salisbury (1886)
William Gladstone (1886)
Robert Gascoyne-Cecil, 3rd Marquess of Salisbury (1892)
Archibald Primrose, 5th Earl of Rosebery (1895)
Stanley Baldwin (January 1924)
Ramsay MacDonald (October 1924)
James Callaghan (1979)
[edit] Vanuatu
Serge Vohor (2004)
[edit] Other leaders defeated in no confidence votes
[edit] Presidents
[edit] Nauru
Kinza Clodumar (1998)
Bernard Dowiyogo (2001)
Ludwig Scotty (2003, 2007)
Bravo SAPP! kerana menyuarakan suara rakyat dan memahami kegawatan yang sedang dihadapi oleh rakyat Malaysia khususnya di Sabah pada masa kini. Saya percaya lepas bulan Jun ini rakyat akan merasai impak sebenarnya kesan daripada kenaikan minyak.
ReplyDeleteWalau bagaimanapun, SAPP harus terus kekal dalam BN kerana:
1. Senario politik sekarang adalah disebabkan oleh PM yang tidak berkemampuan, lepas beliau meletak jawatan senario politik mungkin akan kembali pulih.
2. Hasil undian dari Blog SAPP untuk mendapatkan undi sama ada SAPP perlu kekal atau tidak hanya menggambarkan pandangan segelintir rakyat. Bagaimana pula dengan mereka yang tak melayari internet? Hasil pemerhatian saya iaitu lebih 70% undian datang dari ahli pembangkang dan musuh SAPP dalam BN dengan bertujuan mengambil alih kuasa manakala musuh dalaman BN ingin mendapatkan kerusi DUN, MP dan jawatan dalam kerajaan yg bakal ditinggalkan oleh SAPP.
3. Pengumuman SAPP itu sudah tentu disambut baik oleh Pembangkang tetapi ramai juga penyokong BN yang inginkan SAPP kekal dalam BN walaupun lantang bersuara demi untuk kepentingan rakyat.
4. Suara dalam rumah (BN) lebih 'kick' berbanding dari luar rumah (BN)
5. Impak simpati dari rakyat lebih besar jika sekiranya SAPP dipecat oleh BN berbanding SAPP keluar sendiri.
Pepatah melayu ada mengatakan jangan kerana merahkan seekor nyamuk, kelambu dibakar. Bermaksud kita harus berhati-hati tangkap nyamuk dan elak menggunakan benda berapi untuk 'kasih mati sama tu nyamuk' kata orang Sabah.
SAPP viva forever.
I don't dare to put my real identification but i really really really really respect SAPP start from today!!!!!!
ReplyDeletekami harap datuk tidak ikut pembangkang...biar lah berdiri sendiri daripada di cakap teda pendirian...hidup sapp....kami sentiasa sokong SAPP....
ReplyDeletedear sapp members,
ReplyDeletei came from kl and i have been to sabah for few times and the things i heard from the locals are quite shocking. first, salaries for locals are around 300-400 but the price of food and etc is comparable with kl. second, illegal immigrants are a lot in kk until everyone was quite scared to go out at night. third, surprised that as an oil producing state, the rakyat is still one of the poorest under-developed state in malaysia.
it was 'weird' that the state oil money was channeled back to the federal government but never came back to sabah. maybe if they do so, there are many lives can be saved or improved. guess that the government members have to live on with these sins.
lastly, sapp members.....do it for your own rakyat but not to the leaders. loyalty is good but dont be blinded by monetary gain or empty promises at the sake of the rakyat welfare. at least, we all could have a good night sleep. you are not answerable to 'him' or the government but you are answerable to the rakyat and God himself.
SAPP = ANak Jantan (Berbiji)
ReplyDeleteDatuk Seri Panglima Yong Teck Lee = True Malaysian Hero
ReplyDeleteWhen i was young,I learnt from history books that MCA helps and protects us always.So inside my mind,i knew that MCA is the party we should support and he will always protect us.But after i grown up,i found out the truth was not exactly same like what i believe. When we suffer,when we need help,when we crying the times what have MCA done???Why MCA NOT same as what i know?NOT same as history books mentions?I have gave up my faithful to them.I saw a light suddenly, a light called "pakatan".It look like can lead us to the right way and on the same times i heard that SAPP leader also want to bring sabah people to the right way too.Then my quesiton was why SAPP don't give pakatan a chance???Even faith to the person keep bullied you why you don't faith to the person willing to help you?I really don't willing to see SAPP become another story of MCA.After sabah kids grown up,they won't said "why SAPP not like history mention???"
ReplyDeleteSAPP make a right decision!!
BN = No future
= corruption
Badawi is the weak leader.
Our nation need a change.
Change = New hope
We should give Pakatan Rakyat a try to govern
Perhaps they are better then BN.
Do what the people wants, lead the people to a better tomorrow.
ReplyDeletewe have enough hardship. We don't need leader who is celebrating 1st year anniversary while people is suffering.
Enough is enough!
It's time for our sabahan to stand up and fight for our rights!!
ReplyDeleteDatuk Seri Panglima Yong Teck Lee, please leads us to paradise!!!!We don't want suffering inside the HELL anymore!!!!!!PLEASE.............................
ReplyDeleteNOBODY can insult Mr.Yong Teck Lee!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteOur sabahan must join SAPP immediately!!!Support DATUK YONG .....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteYong u do the right way..i fully support you.
ReplyDeleteYou Badawai is the wosty PM in malaysia..your cabinet ppl some is makan money and bring money to AUS. but you still get him as Minister...what in your mind thinking ??
AS a good PM you should know how to used your ppl... all cabinet ppl must be clean without any bad things but you go to selecter the ppl..
what you meaning ...Now Yong do the right things for sabah..all sabah ppl with support him.
SAPP and Pakatan rakyat must join together. Mr Yong ~ you can't make the wrong choose anymore.My times have gone,my kid's futures on your hand now.
ReplyDeleteOur sabahan must join SAPP immediately!!!Support DATUK YONG .....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteComment : We already Join SAPP in or heart. Ensure SAPP contest at least 5 parliment and 10 state seats.
SAPP already outshine PBS legend what?
Before somebody insult datuk yong is fight for his own personal greed, please take a mirror and see yourself. Nobody greed than YOU!!!!
ReplyDeleteRaymond Tan.
ReplyDeletePlease understand DSP Yong Teck Lee. I know u see all the opportunity as DCM Sabah now, but thats all rubbish. While u drive a SG Mercedes Benz others have to uses their bare feet in Kinabatanagn / Pensiangan.
What DSP Yong did is true virtue. Sabah poverty rate exceed 30 yesterday and going 32 % end of August.
suleiman,keep the seat beside you for me.I will join SAPP by today.
ReplyDeleteDo you think that party pembangkan can reduce the oil price. Oil price going up is fact, we have to accept the fact. Action done by SAPP president Mr Yong, do you think is for his personal purpose, don't forget last time he is also the YB before. What ever reason he give now, what he don't raise up during YB time and until now he brought out. Even though he rich but he need power, last time he became YB got power but now he got nothing. I believe he using this chance to build up his power.
ReplyDeleteOur sabahan won't vote BN anymore.
ReplyDeletesuleiman,keep the seat beside you for me.I will join SAPP by today.
ReplyDeletemy comment: not one seat, but a whole 'train coach' "Gelabak keretapi" waiting 4 us at the end of the tunnel. Either going to Doomsday BN(Be End) or Happy Days(Out from Be End).
Perception of Abdellah A.Badwi is over. Time to go.
please lah....woke up la my friend....You rather give the power to someone won't care of you, or give Mr. yong power to help all sabahan now?
ReplyDeleteoh my god,ticket of "Gelabak keretapi" will be fully book soon.
ReplyDeleteDuring GE12, first Penang, then followed by Perak, Kedah Selangor and WP KL, people in those states are all denied the bloody UMNO and their crony parties from winning.
ReplyDeleteNow Sabah, STAND UP! Stand up for your rights, and work with PR states in West Malaysia. Together we can revamp for a better MALAYSIA compared to the 50 years of shameless UMNO rule.
Look at the 4 new PR states (Selangor, Kedah, Penang, Perak), look at them, they achieved significant in just a 100 days. UMNO/BN? What did UMNO/BN did in 100 days? They raised the gas/ooi price by 46% (and inflation effect shall continue, no questions). They leave the BMC folks being assaulted by FRUs/Police and supported the gangster thugs, supported the Toll Concessionaires. They continued to denied the rights of KL people, eventhough BN has only 1 out of 11 seats in the Wilayah, and appoint their crony Datuk Bandar. They denied finding to all the PR states eventhough those state government are legally voted in by the people. They appoint their own back door illegal JKKKx members in those PR states in hope to control the states through illegitimate tactics, and cut of the development funding channel it throught this illegal groups.
Look carefully...Look hard...All UMNO/BN did is just for their continue effort in enriching themselves and cronies, empowering themselves, plundering and sucking dry the country's wealth.
Be brave my Sabah comrades !! Be the true HERO !!
I worries NOT all SAPP members will support Mr. Yong.
ReplyDeletedatoseri,you are right!!!!
ReplyDeleteIf Yong Teck Lee is fighting for Sabahans out of sincerity, he should have done it when he was the CM of Sabah and during Mahathir's era!!! Why now as inequality & injustice have been there for a very long time, and not for the past 5 years??? The only reason I can see is, during Mahathir's era, he is not brave enough to raise it, or due to some personal agenda......
ReplyDeletePoliticians, nowsadays are not trusthworthy, getting personal benefits in the name of people's welfare. Should there be a need to have a vote of no confidence, it should not be carried out in the parliament (as it is no longer represents the voice of people), instead Malaysia should hold a national referendum.
Comments: Datuk Yong ~ we support you! All sabahans will support you! Don't give up !
Comments: No wonder NOT all peoples can become HERO ! Mr. Yong is HERO in our heart!
Thank You Datuk YTL.. Thank You SAPP..
ReplyDeleteOrang Sabah have woke up from their nightmare Now Please Do the Right Thing n Get Rid the Corruption Scubs.. Kick Pooodah out of the number 1 chair in m'sia!!!!
Now PBS and UKOP plsss wake up!!!
Sarawak plsss stand up for ur people!!!!
Kita Bersatu Bah!!!
Yong you do the right way I fully support you.
ReplyDeleteYou Badawi is a worst PM of Malaysia didn’t want to hear people said always follow your anak anak ? and your cabinet people some of them was makan $$$$ and bring $$$$ to AUS. but you still selector him to be cabinet Minister I don’t know what is your mind thinking.
cabinet people all must clean and without do the bad things but you go to selector.....all Malaysia peoplel was thinking whether you have go for education or not..
Now Yong want to quit all is you fault... our former Mr. M is the best PM, he know how to solve all the problem without hearing people .
Badawi ..How many time you want to increase the fuel prices, what is the RM625 ? you just given small amount back then you want to get large from us this is worst and useless thinking.
Badawi.. I think you better stepdown and let other people to be PM..I believe you step down BN will be go stronger and more better.
Yong done all for Malaysia and Sabah people....Badawi what are the things you do for us ...you do fuel up , personel incometax always maintenance the %..for incometax each person only for RM8000.... what are you thinking RM8000 also not enougt cover my fuel , house loan , ele bil , water bil ..now is year 2008 already dont always thinking now is 1980 year ..old already..
Here again I suppoer YONG and all sabah MP guit from BN
Come left BN.. Don help BN crueling us!!!
ReplyDelete"Politicians, nowsadays are not trusthworthy, getting personal benefits in the name of people's welfare."
ReplyDeleteBut now we suffer some politicians who getting their own personal benefits and on the same time didn't name of people's welfare.
PBS and UKOP why u still don't woke up?
ReplyDeletePBS and UKOP ... please see your PM properly.
ReplyDeletePBS and UKOP ... Please see your PM properly again.
PBS and UKOP ... Please see your PM properly again and again.
PBS and UKOP ... Please see your PM properly again X 99999999 times.
The political facts remain the same in the current political scenarios, be it with BN or if to align with Keadilan. Everyone knows the reason for the "birth" of Keadilan. Aren't those for personal agendas??!!! plus "Revenge", perhaps.
ReplyDeleteThus, what Malaysia needs now is 3rd Political Strength (apart from BN & PR) which really fight for true Malaysians irrespective of race and religion.
Good job. Continue to strive for the people, state and nation. All the best...
ReplyDeleteDatuk Seri Panglima,
ReplyDeleteI am a Sarawakian & nvr been 2 sabah so i wont know how its like in Sabah.
As for sarawak all i c an say that the situation here is as pathethic and what you did made the rest of the BN component MPs look like ursurpers & cowards.
I would like to say this; if u need to take this to the streets & need show of support from the nation, organise something & coordinate us.
you have already have a nation of admiring citizens looking at u. so if u need to matyr urself for this. dont do it alone.
help us help u help this country survive the federal BN tyranny.
We need someone who can voice out on behalf of the long-neglected Sabahan. I'll support your action to fight for a better Sabah. Finally found a right party that I can support!
ReplyDeleteMust say to all Sabahans, you have a good leader who will fight for your state. This all we want. Keep it up!!! SABAH BOLEH.
ReplyDeleteSabahan and Sabah parties should be united and fight for the best for Sabah and its people.
ReplyDeleteSarawakian, wake up too!!
Brush up your history and see what they've promised to Sabah and Sarawak when we joined them to form Malaysia. What had happened to these things now?
Sabahan and Sarawakian, wake up!!!
Whoever from SAPP that against the vote of no confidence need to go.
ReplyDeleteI was from Sabah but has been working in the peninsular for the last 18 years, but my heart still with Sabah all this while since my root is still in Sabah. Yes, you did the right thing, show BN that Sabahan is not a coward, show then how we throw out the government of the day in the eighties and nineties. All sabahan must unite and stand firmly our believe, throw out all the illegals, throw out BN who only interested in taking care of their own people. I just wonder why sabah foods and petrol always more expensive then the west?
ReplyDeleteYong, you are a brave leader. We have too many coward leaders in Sabah. They are rather ignoring the problemns of Sabahans facing for decade and becoming the slaves of BN. BN leaders are good in "wayang" and always making empty promising .
ReplyDeleteBravo Uncle Yong,
ReplyDeleteWe Sabahan proud of you.
We need someone like you Datuk who care for Sabah. Pairin, when are u going to wake up? LVK thinks he is smart guy but in fact he is like a coward, no dick. As for Tan Sri Chong, come and join the chorus....
ReplyDeletepresident Yong Teck Lee ,
ReplyDeleteGo ahead and quit to PR! we malaysian support you!
president Yong Teck Lee ,
ReplyDeleteGo ahead, quit BN and join PR! we all malaysian will support you!
What have BN brought to Sabah after rearresting the polictical power in 10 year ago? Absolute nothing!!!. Kota Kinabalu, Sandakan and Tawau are always facing electrical supply blackout. This is the most basic items that we Sabahan suppose to enjoy under the ruiling government, but BN fails to provide it to us.
ReplyDeleteV. K. Liew, please stop insulting SAPP if you are still considering yourself as a Sabahan. You should start joining the rank and assist the sabahan to get what we should deserve. Do you want to see our state remain "the poorest" in Malaysia? You might enjoying too much now as you are presently a deputy minister in the Federal Cabinet. You are either a coward leader or hopefully make use off this opportunity to remove your political rival in BN.
Pairin, where are you hiding? are you still with our Sabahan? Do you still want the poverty become bigger issue in the next coming election?
Sabahan is always the second class citizen in Malaysia. The youngsters of all races are leaving the state to look for better incomes and living in West Malaysia. Can all the leaders from BN or the opposition stand together, united and fight for right and future of our Sabahan.
Dear Sabahans,
ReplyDeleteBe brave , we in peninsular are in the same boat as u'll. We are going through the "rough sea" now and only a good captain will not how to maneuver the ship to a calm sea. Lets together face this triumph and may God Bless us with a capable "captain" and a new dawn for Malaysia.
I am malaysian from johor bahru.I am respect your brave ~ mr yong.But i hope you can understand one truth,no matter what actions you did , i believe won't get much results also.Why???From Dr. M cases can forecast already.Some more you must remember why SG Senior PM leave Malaysia with CRYING at past.He said "I crys not because we lose,i crys because of xxxx NOT unity". If you can persuades all party leaders in SABAH to follow you then you still can get high chances in this no-confident project, but you still must remember one word "NOT unity".This will be your main reason when you lose.
ReplyDeleteLet Sabahan people free of all this. Let Sabahan people go out from Malay madness.
ReplyDeleteBorneo should have been independent by now. Where is all the youth n old people? Why not strike for a republic once and for all.
I want to sign a referendum.
To all the MPs in Sabah,
ReplyDeleteHave you ever look clearly what is happening in Sabah? What have you brought to the people you serve under BN ruling? Have you no shame to represent the people as voice of Sabahan? Your ignorance to accept the facts will only make Sabahan hate you more. Wake up!
SAPP dares to stand up and said so. Will the problem of face by Sabah solve if you keep on supporting BN? NO. They don't listen to you before and you don't expect them to listen to you now.
I really want to congratulate SAPP for this bold move. To be frank, I wasn't a SAPP "supporter" until yesterday as I was supporting DAP/PAS for what they had/tried to fight for people of Sabah (although not much, but at least tried). If SAPP did pulled out/kicked out of BN, I will join SAPP straight. However I will still save a "cheeeers" on this weekend for this change when i go for partying.
ReplyDeleteOUR STATE NEEDS TO IMPROVE!! The message is clear. current CM is doing nothing(and he is nothing), current pm focuses only on W.msia, and the fight within UMNO. We need to seek for someone who really cares bout Sabah. Even when some leader who offer "big deal" if they can overturn the government, I will still be "believing", WELL AT LEAST THEY "CARED" TO LIE TO US. BN leaders never even CARED to LIE to us about solving all these problems that we faced. "The problems will be discussed within bla bla bla carbinet..." (yeah right, who cares)
so there are only feel parties we can choose now, SAPP DAP PKR. JOIN PAKATAN RAKYAT PLS, SAPP.
No confidence vote on PM = No confidence to BN = need to quit BN
ReplyDeleteQuiting BN does not mean disloyal to the Nation (Malaysia)
For instance, if you in a company and are displeased with company's policy and/or administration then you can voice out the displease and/or your view. If is not accepted then you have no choice than to resign.
Therefore SAPP displeased with BN = need to quit from being component party of BN
Bravo...Datuk Yong...we support u....u really great....keep it up....no turning back...k
ReplyDeletelose liao...lose liao...all betray SAPP liao...
ReplyDeleteBravo...Datuk Yong....we support u.....keep it up....
ReplyDeleteplease....help sabahans..
ReplyDeleteIf this time lose,no more next times.
who choose 主席拿督陳樹傑 out?
If America can pick Obama as their next President, he will be the first black President to lead a white nation, I don't see any reason why can't Malaysia have other races to be their Prime Minister too unless racism plays a major role..
ReplyDeleteEqual Opportunity Fighter,
Bangsa Malaysia Boleh!!!
It is time for Sabah to stand up for its own best interest. I hope the other parties will follow the example set by SAPP to bring the UMNO-BN reign of incompetence and malign to an end.
ReplyDeleteThis one i need to clarify...Malaysia got law on year XXXX, PM can't be other races. So you can't compare with US.
ReplyDeleteAfter reading this morning's newpapers, I just want to say "L.V.K eat banana la!"
ReplyDeleteRegarding "who choose 主席拿督陳樹傑 out?" from some fren above...
ReplyDeleteL.V.K : "I AM THE FIRST!!!, but i dun wanna be deputy cm la...i am serious..." (yah bxxch)
I don't know how SAPP win on this time?So many parties have rejected SAPP proposal,some more inside SAPP also got members betray them. I really don't know how SAPP can win on this time.
ReplyDeleteMr Yong,I really don't know how can you win now? Even Umno willing to support you, even all opposite parties willing to support, i still don't think you got enough "SEAT" or "MAN POWER" to win.BN is biggest party in Malaysia.So i really don't know how can you win?How?How to win?Totally impossible...how?how?impossible right???Haiz,i feel that SABAHANS quite pity also.Maybe not SABAHANS only, all people like us are pitiable.
Black president rules whity american? Mr, Have u been to USA? Don't look at face value my friend. Live there and you'll see...
ReplyDeleteANyway, GO SAPP!
The overall policy of UMNO-BN has been the racial cleansing of the Chinese ever since "independence" of Sabah. In 1962 there were many Chinese in the government of Sabah. Now hardly any Chinese can be seen in the government. Sabah has been ruled like a colony by the Malays who replaced the Brits. But unlike the Brits who were largely corruption free and competent, the Malays are totally corrupt and incompetent. The Malays only used the tactics of dividing and conquering the various races of Sabah pitting the Chinese against the KDM to keep the Sabah people suppressed and in fear of the Malay dominated UMNO-BN. Hundreds of thousands of Chinese have migrated out of Sabah since "independence" thus causing stagnation to Sabah economy. And now that the timber has gone, the living standard of the KDM is just as bad as before. And when oil is gone, the KDM standard of living will be even worse.
ReplyDeleteTherefore, the obvious hope for Sabah is for the Chinese and the KDM to establish true harmony and discard the racist antagonism used by the UMNO-BN to split and weaken them and work for a common future. For this to happen, the UMNO-BN reign of incompetence and malign divide and conquer must be brought to an end. It is a good and courageous thing that the SAPP is doing to bring down UMNO-BN and support PR for a brighter future of all people in Sabah.
ReplyDelete沙巴政治風暴 國內 即時新聞 2008-06-19 14:53
I like to hear Dr. M said that"國陣成員黨領袖要到甚麼時候才會清醒"
I salute Datuk Yong Teck Lee over his fearless braveness against vote of no confidence to PM Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. Sabah had been marginalised far too long and the federal government had bullied the people of Sabah since Dr. Mahathir Mohamd era. The natural resources of Sabah particularly oil and gas had been sapped by the federal government without upgrading the livelihood of the raakyat of Sabah. Syabas SAPP and Datuk Yong for his braveness. Kami anak bumi putra Sabah menyokong tindakan SAPP. Jatuh Kan BN federal!! Lantik Annuar PM segera!!
ReplyDeleteI think UMNO should get out of SABAH!
ReplyDeleteAnd BN as well! give us our 20% oil royalty back or more! U havent solve anything in our state! GET OUT NOW BN!
ReplyDeleteMy house is always suffering from blackout! wat the heckk!!! like nothing happened...but if KL blackout...heboh
ReplyDeletePrior post by an anonymous poster:
ReplyDelete"Black president rules whity american? Mr, Have u been to USA? Don't look at face value my friend. Live there and you'll see..."
Actually I live in the US. While the US is very racist, yet it is most probably that Obama will be the next president of the US. Currently, the polls are in favor of Obama by a large margin. McCain is getting little campaign contributions which is a reflection of his lack of support among the American people. And just as few people are giving him money now, so will few people give him their votes in November.
Therefore, if a black man can become the president of the US, why can't a Chinese or any other non-Malays become the PM of Malaysia? And if the laws of Malaysia prohibits a non-Malay to become the PM, then it is high time for that discriminatory law to be changed.
As it is, the law of Perak prohibits a Chinese from becoming the chief minister of that state. This is the kind of un-democratic laws of Malaysia that is totally feudal and anachronistic and racist. And to change that feudal and racist law, UMNO-BN must be pushed out so that a new government can come in and change the laws to make Malaysia truly democratic.
Replying on statement above "Sabah has been ruled like a colony by the Malays who replaced the Brits. But unlike the Brits who were largely corruption free and competent,..." this speaks up my heart as a, i would say a teenage who had seen outside world.
ReplyDeleteI would rather to be colonized by brits again, rather than by federal "malaysian" government. U can imagine, if I were a chinese from China saying these words in my country, ppl will throw stone at u and mouns for u betrying the country. If u r chinese in malaysian, these words would be much agreed among my frens, in homeland or oversea. haha how pathetic
sabahan will support u...
ReplyDeleteSAPP leaders abandon PBS in 1994 (Pbs was the rakyat party)I spit at that.
ReplyDeleteNow SAPP could be the missing link to crippled BN. I most admire on that.
BN = Bapa +anak+cucu+cecet punya party.
Onn Jaafar +Hussien Onn +Hisamudin
Dato razak+Tun Razak + Najib
Mahathit+ Mokzani+Mukriz
Hj A.Badawi+Dato Abdullah+ Khairy Jamaluddin
Prior post by an anonymous poster who was staying in US:
if ppl really believe malaysia is democratic, it must be a mistake my brother.. hahaha
This is a country with "twisted form of democratic" in which locals has to compete their vote against illegal immigrants who will select "leader" for them. So if u have 1,000 local and 100,000 illegal immigrant, 80% of local vote for PKR still loses to 1% of illegal immigrant which vote for UMNO.
Syabas SAPP,Datuk Yong Teck Lee, tindakan anda amat berani!Saya berharap SAPP akan maju selepas ini.
ReplyDeleteHey for whoever is trying to say BN is not fair for all races...i am gonna kick u in the ass,
ReplyDeletefrom what i can see at least BN is fair for all races by increasing the petrol price and BENEFITS ALL RACES in malaysia!
Did u see, Malay => RM2.10/litre, Chinese => RM3.50/litre, Indian => RM4.70/litre ????? NO right!
(dam, posting here might give the politicians a good idea on how they shud increae the petrol price on august...)
No you did not live in states. You just work in states. If you do really live in states. Then you would now...
ReplyDeleteReplying on statement above "BN is fair for all races by increasing the petrol price and BENEFITS ALL RACES in malaysia!
ReplyDeleteDid u see, Malay => RM2.10/litre, Chinese => RM3.50/litre, Indian => RM4.70/litre ?????"
You are so funny, and your ideas better don't mis-used by BN.They like funny funny ideas' policies.hahahahahaa
Be republic! forget BN! Forget PR!
ReplyDeleteget 100% royalti, better than 20%!
badawi can jump into the deepest putrajaya lake and malaysians would still be ok. yong's fight for more goodies for Sabah cannot be described as 'greed'. This is the kind of vocabulary use that makes badawi such an embarassment to malaysians.
ReplyDeleteyeh i agree! let's be independent, do it like sg!
ReplyDeleteCongrats to people of sabah to stand up for their rights. I am from KL and I fully support what SAPP is doing. The PM thinks he Owns Malaysia and not the Rakyat. Things are not any better here tolls everywhere and toll was recently increase 60%. And the federal govt don't give a damn when residents of bandar mahkota cheras is beaten by thugs. That shows how caring our PM for the Rakyat is.When johor is flooded our PM is still enjoying his holiday I think if it is Tun Dr.M the next morning you will see him there in johor..
ReplyDeleteGood luck to all you Sabahan and SAPP
If the fight for benefits that the people were supposed to have is labelled as "greed", then PBS, MCA, GERAKAN... are so damn not greed and can get 100% in moral exam paper already la.
ReplyDeleteespecially MCA...what a shame to use that name for the party, it almost looked as all chinese behave like them...*spit spit* change ur name to MCDA, and the D is not Donald...
Walaupun sebelum ini saya tidak menghormati YTL kerana meninggalkan PBS dahulu tetapi kali ini saya menganggap keputusan SAPP adalah jalan yang terbaik untuk Sabahan menunjukkan kepada pemimpin Persekutuan supaya mengambil tindakan terhadap permintaan rakyat.Kepada Parti komponen BN yang lain marilah sama sama berjuang bersama SAPP untuk mempertahankan hak kita yang selama ini dinafikan oleh Persekutuan.
ReplyDeletesapp boleh...
ReplyDeleteyou are not alone kami di depan datuk Yong Teck Lee...
Lawan Tetap Lawan
I have one question...As i know if we complaint government too much will be caught into jail without any special procedure. Then we wrote so much at here, will it give them a chance to caught us?
ReplyDeleteyour the best Datuk Yong Teck Lee... SAPP BOLEH!!!
ReplyDeleteSAPP go on! Lets create a new malaysia! Help DSAI to create new goverment!
ReplyDeleteAny component party in BN also could not stand the heat / pressure from rakyat. PANAS!! especially fuel price up.and KO. Rice which been our staple food years before BN unable to control the price.
ReplyDeleteCEO Petonas have 3 private jet n salary ammounting RM50 USD per month. What say u?
Mane ada hak kita dinafikan oleh kerajaan persekutuan. Our Sabah leaders kita yang tak powerful enough to negotiate with them. Instead now we seek help from PR. Their thinking sama dengan BN, cuma dah rebranding. They even worse, hide behind people power but now, i don't see much of their actions. All they do is point fingers. So, I don't agree to work with them. I think we should start thinking of forming Sabah into a country. Be like Sg. That is cool!
ReplyDeletecilaka ko pak lah tua kutuk mau mampus buragas... ingat orang sabah BUDUH.. datuk Yong Teck Lee tidak tamak dia hanya bertindak sebagai wakil kepada rakyat Sabah kau yang tamak dan tamaha talampau. kalau pak lah tuduh Datuk Yong Tamak ini bererti pak Lah @ alBodowi tuduh orang sabah tamak kerana terlalu banyak permintaan. kami patut minta lebih sudah berapa lama hasil bumi sabah kau perkosa atas nama petronas...
ReplyDeletebangkit rakyat sabah jangan tunggu lama-lama...
kepada wakil rakyat jangan tidur waktu sidang rakyat...
hahaha ya of coz! They are watching what u type right now, and BOOM tomorrow ISA will find u at home. hahaha
ReplyDelete(dun u see there're so many ANONYMOUS?)
SAPP should quit BN and join Pakatan Rakyat instead of passing no confidence vote against Abdullah Badawi. By remaining in BN mean SAPP is still helping UMNO, the backbone of BN, and the Federal government . It is UMNO that control everything . The root of the problems that Sabah had to endure for the past 50 years was UMNO and the President of UMNO cum the Prime Minister. If you only talk about Abdullah Ahmad Badawi , then you do not realized that Mahathir was the worst. He ruled for more than 30 years and he continuously turned deaf ear when Sabah’s leaders tried to ask for increase oil royalty. He tampered with the election constituencies boundries to suit UMNO, He divided and rule Sabah with iron fists. Worst still was that he invented the PRIJECT I/C to provide the illegal immigrants from Mindanoa Island and the notorious Jolo Island and from Indonesia with Malaysian I/C so that UMNO will always win the elections and stay in power for ever in Sabah. He controls the judiciary and manipulates the judges to give judgments according to his whim. He used religion which is classified as sensitive issue in the Federal Constituation as his tool to bring down state government whose Chief minister such as how he brought down PBS. He is a racist. His favorite slogan is “ Ketuanan Malayu” compare to Anwar who advocates “Bangsa Malaysia”. So to stay and support BN mean you appreciate what Mahathir and UMNO had done to Sabah and Malaysia during his rule. To support BN meant to support UMNO and their project I / C . When Abdullah is removed, Nazib will take over. The thought of it is more sickening as Nazib is involved in the murderer of Altantuya. Imagine having a murderer as Primeminister! This is UMNO who control BN and colonies Sabah. So SAPP and other members of BN should use this window of opportunity to discard not only Abdullah Badawi but also UMNO and BN once and for all and join Pakatan Rakyat which has promised to solve Sabah Problem including reducing the cost of fuel.
ReplyDeleteMane ada hak kita dinafikan oleh kerajaan persekutuan. Our Sabah leaders kita yang tak powerful enough to negotiate with them. Instead now we seek help from PR. Their thinking sama dengan BN, cuma dah rebranding. They even worse, hide behind people power but now, i don't see much of their actions. All they do is point fingers. So, I don't agree to work with them. I think we should start thinking of forming Sabah into a country. Be like Sg. That is cool!
ReplyDeleteMy comment: Thats the spirit boy. I know one day Sabah be great!
sanang saja kasi settle ini semua,,itu badawi perlu turun bah..sejak dia naik macam2 hal jadi di malaysia ni,sana disemenjung saja kanyang membangun,,sini sabah,tengok apa jdi??minyak byk,,tapi mmbgun sana sebelah,apa dia bikin..mana dia bleh lawan Tun dr Mahathir punya kredibiliti,,dia kaki tdur,juga tidak confident...
ReplyDeleteoklah Yong, tindakan u kasi sedar sikit kaki2 ampu dlm BN
aku rasa tdak perlu la SAPP masuk pakatan dulu,kasi ja trun itu PM,kasi try org lain..klw sama juga bah, tkar kerajaan la,,,try dulu kerajaan lain mcmana dia memerintah,mcmana mau tau ok ka nda kalau tada bgi dorang peluang..betul kan??
ReplyDeleteWorse has happen.
ReplyDelete"Mau beli kondon pun tada luit uda. Luit Habis beli minyak. Celaka itu Bee end.
Maybe sugget to use calender yes-no seeding.
ReplyDeleteI sense that might come true.
pak lah... is the dumb pm that i ever meet... all our pm is the best than pak lah...
ReplyDeletepak lah baru belajar menjadi seorang pemimpin... pak lah.. belajar lah dari pemimpin yang sudah makan garam lebih banyak. belajar lah macam mana hendak menjaga rakyat, MACAM MANA MENJADI SEORANG PEMIMPIN YANG DISEGANI.. bukan SEORANG PEMIMPIN YANG TIDUR!!!
pak lah hanya tidur, honey moon dan malas mengambil berat tentang rakyat.. pak lah hanya tahu menagih simpati sahaja apabila keadaan tidak memihak kepada beliau...
ReplyDeleteDatuk yong Teck Lee, being vocally critical of federal govt. and PM, is for the sole interest of sabah and it’s people. After the March election, with Sabah contribution in delivering 24 Parliamentary seats, the people of Sabah expect concrete actions to be taken to address all pressing issues confronting Sabah. However, after repeating calls and reminders, none is forthcoming.
Now is the most opportune time for Sabah to be given due attention. As a responsible Party, SAPP has to repeatedly raise these issues to the attention of PM. However, these intentions have been purposely misconstrued as personal demand and personal greed of Datuk Yong Teck Lee. If Datuk Yong Teck Lee is accused of being greedy in his effort of voicing the aspirations of Sabahans, then indirectly, PM is saying that the whole people of sabah is GREEDY.
Federal leaders, especially PM, has gone overboard, has insulted and looked down on the people of Sabah. This should not happen as sabah is a partner in the formation of Malaysia. It deserves some respect. Sabah has every rights to ask what is due as enshrined in the Constitutional and Financial arrangements as stipulated clearly in the Malaysia Agreement.
PM, please address issues at hand and not to mislead the Rakyat in bringing irrelevant matters into the picture, in trying to assinate SAPP politically.
After 8/3, pakatan tried their best to helping people but what BN done? HATE !!!!
ReplyDeleteSABAH and Sarawak are very important to Malaysia. Without both of these 2 places, do you think WEST Malaysia really can feed government???
ReplyDeleteDon't make me laugh bah...
ReplyDeleteDatuk yong Teck Lee, being vocally critical of federal govt. and PM, is for the sole interest of sabah and it’s people. After the March election, with Sabah contribution in delivering 24 Parliamentary seats, the people of Sabah expect concrete actions to be taken to address all pressing issues confronting Sabah. However, after repeating calls and reminders, none is forthcoming.
Now is the most opportune time for Sabah to be given due attention. As a responsible Party, SAPP has to repeatedly raise these issues to the attention of PM. However, these intentions have been purposely misconstrued as personal demand and personal greed of Datuk Yong Teck Lee. If Datuk Yong Teck Lee is accused of being greedy in his effort of voicing the aspirations of Sabahans, then indirectly, PM is saying that the whole people of sabah is GREEDY.
Federal leaders, especially PM, has gone overboard, has insulted and looked down on the people of Sabah. This should not happen as sabah is a partner in the formation of Malaysia. It deserves some respect. Sabah has every rights to ask what is due as enshrined in the Constitutional and Financial arrangements as stipulated clearly in the Malaysia Agreement.
PM, please address issues at hand and not to mislead the Rakyat in bringing irrelevant matters into the picture, in trying to assinate SAPP politically.
Above comments should come out from PM actually,but why he didn't mention anythings? Keep asked people accept the truth la..what la..what is truth?what is fact?Sultan have said properly..it belong to MALAYSIA!
A prior anonymous poster said:
ReplyDelete"I would rather to be colonized by brits again, rather than by federal "malaysian" government. U can imagine, if I were a chinese from China saying these words in my country, ppl will throw stone at u and mouns for u betrying the country. If u r chinese in malaysian, these words would be much agreed among my frens, in homeland or oversea. haha how pathetic"
Well, I'm glad that your frens (friends?) will agree that it is better for Malaysia to be colonized by the Brits than by the "Malaysians." As it is, I would rather Malaysia be truly independent like Singapore is. Singapore is treating all the races equally and in doing so have created a dynamic nation that is 5 times richer than racist Malaysia in per capita incomes. The Chinese in Singapore don't make the Malays pay more for housings than the Chinese.
As for China, it has put a probe around the Moon. I don't see any Malaysain probes around the Moon, do you? As to criticism of the Chinese government, you'd be surprised how much the ordinary Chinese could criticize the government today. If you said you would like China to be colonized by the Brits, you'd be ignored because nobody would take you seriously. No one would throw stones at you. People might laugh at you but they wouldn't throw stones at you. Of course, I'd like to see China become democratic. That may happen yet.
And in Malaysia, UMNO had actually put a Sabahan - I believe it was the brother of Pailin - in jail for wanting independence from Malaysia.
Can you imaging the outcome?Sabah and Sarawak is so big in the map..and Singapore is so small in the MAP.
But all are too late....
Why dont give PR a try, since BN already cant fulfil us. Let PR help us to check how our money spend. ie: petronas, toll, cars....
ReplyDeleteA prior anonymous poster said:
ReplyDeleteWhy dont give PR a try, since BN already cant fulfil us.
Because many parties are selfish.Why MCA don't join PR? Because they lose loyalty of chinese and if they lose BN again.They are nothing...
An anonymous posters' prior post said:
ReplyDelete"Prior post by an anonymous poster who was staying in US:
if ppl really believe malaysia is democratic, it must be a mistake my brother.. hahaha
This is a country with "twisted form of democratic" in which ..."
In case this refers to me, I just like to say that it is not my opinion that Malaysia is a "true" democracy but "democratic" in name only. I certainly agree with this poster that Malaysia is "a country with a 'twisted form of democratic'"
Even Sabah parties don't want to help Sabahans, i think all sabahans don't request too much again la. Take it or leave it.
ReplyDeleteThe Rakyat are now more mature to not only question the authority of the body taxing them and conscripting them into services, but also the limit of that authority. They have come to understand that this present government is incapable of providing even basic necessities such safety and prosperity. Sadly, the present government forgot about the fundamental ideas of governing, slowly reducing itself to authoritarian politics, a no-turning-back-point for a police state which enjoys public harassment. However, amidst of all this political turmoil, SAPP made it clear to the people that they are still relevant for future Malaysia by taking bold actions. To dissent at this time is an act of faith and to express it openly among cowardly coalition parties is an act of bravery which will be greatly rewarded. Hoist your flag some more.
ReplyDelete-Malay guy-
MP Sabah yang lain bila lagi mahu ikut langkah ahli parti SAPP. Sekurang kurangnya SAPP dah buka mata dari tidur. MP Sabah yang lain bila lagi mahu berkhidmat kepada rakyat?Jangan ingat mau bila dah rakyat undi jadi pemimpin mau tangkap projek saja untuk kasi kembung poket tu. Nah, ini rakyat sudah menderita dengan kenaikan harga petrol. Kalau PKR cakap bole turunkan harga petrol, jom beramai ramai masuk PKR.Bantu rakyat...piiirah BN
ReplyDeleteThe cat is out of the bag... Now we shall see who among our leaders really do stand up and fight for the rights of SABAHANS and who among them are just there for their own gains...
ReplyDeleteBrave move and I salute you for that Dtk Yong!!! Indeed if you don't start the ball rolling... who will? The window of opportunity is here and now, this is our time... lets just hope we have enough gutsy leaders to grab it and make the best out of it... we have been sidelined and left behind for far too long
ReplyDeletePR PR PR!!!
Now we shall see who among our leaders really do stand up and fight for the rights of SABAHANS and who among them are just there for their own gains...
ReplyDeleteEven they win on this time, they better don't expect they can win on next time again!!!They are blind,Sabahans NOT blind.
Compare MY and SG, 30 years ago and today, does anyone still want to or have to wait for another 30 years to see the outcome ?
ReplyDelete"To fail trying is better than fail to try"
ReplyDeleteWell, I'm glad that your frens (friends?) will agree that it is better for Malaysia to be colonized by the Brits than by the "Malaysians." As it is, I would rather Malaysia be truly independent like Singapore is. Singapore is treating all the races equally and in doing so have created a dynamic nation that is 5 times richer than racist Malaysia in per capita incomes. The Chinese in Singapore don't make the Malays pay more for housings than the Chinese.
Another one who is only look at face value. Got friends in Singapore aaa? Go there and live there. Even chinese now are complaining in singapore
ko nda dpt beli kondom ka suliman,,napa naik juga harganya?ok lagi tu aku bli parang pun payah,besi pun naik..susah mau tebas sdah ni
ReplyDeleteSABAH and Sarawak are very important to Malaysia. Without both of these 2 places, do you think WEST Malaysia really can feed government???
Don't make me laugh bah...
No they are not... go ahead, be independent! dare you... it's u who need west malaysia. Cannot with Badawi and now u go with Anwar. Funny...
tontolou kau badawi! stupid prime minister who doesn't know how to run the country. kalau cari ganti bini lama bukan main cepat kau badawi!
ReplyDeleteA prior anonymous poster said:
ReplyDelete"Sadly, the present government , slowly reducing itself to authoritarian politics, a no-turning-back-point for a police state which enjoys public harassment. However, amidst of all this political turmoil, SAPP made it clear to the people that they are still relevant for future Malaysia by taking bold actions. To dissent at this time is an act of faith and to express it openly among cowardly coalition parties is an act of bravery which will be greatly rewarded. Hoist your flag some more."
The UMNO dominated Malaysian government never "forgot about the fundamental ideas of governing". They just never did know the fundamental idea of governing to begin with. The entire strategy of the UMNO Malay government is to racially cleanse the Chinese and other non-bumis out of Malaysia and convert their assets to the personal properties of the Malays. They'd be happy to get rid of the non-Malay bumis like the KDM too, but they can't very well deport all the non-Malay bumis because they have no place to go unlike the Chinese who can go just about anywhere in the world or the Indians who could go back to India. But after 50 years of its racist policy, the bumis are no better off than they were before. And after the oil is depleted, they'd be ever worse off than before.
The KDM should know that they would be better off with the Chinese than the Malays. The Malays simply don't know how to create a dynamic economy either in Malaya or in Sabah. On the other hand, with the cooperation of the Chinese, Sabah could easily achieve an economy on the scale of Singapore. But the backbone of Singapore economy is Chinese. It is therefore obvious that Sabah policy must start by being friendly to the Chinese so that they could stay and build a dynamic economy in Sabah.
The future of Sabah could go 4 ways:
1. Stay with Malaysia and dominated by UMNO:
The prognosis is grim; things will only get worse. The Sabahan economy would collapse after the oil has run out in another 20 years or less.
2. Stay with Malaysia and be governed by PR:
Maybe there is a chance for a better life if Anwar live up to his promise of implementing equality and justice;
3. Leave Malaysia and be independent:
Uncertain because the Sabahan politicians are still not sophisticated enough to govern well;
4. Leave Malaysia and join Singapore:
The chances are the best because Singapore will implement a fair and just government and can guide Sabah's economic growth through the welcome of Chinese investors.
A prior anonymous poster said:
ReplyDelete4. Leave Malaysia and join Singapore:
The chances are the best because Singapore will implement a fair and just government and can guide Sabah's economic growth through the welcome of Chinese investors.
What a bloody hell ideas,how can you come out this suck ideas?Anyway,i like it very much...genius....
An anonymous posters' prior post said:
ReplyDelete"Another one who is only look at face value. Got friends in Singapore aaa? Go there and live there. Even chinese now are complaining in singapore"
Actually many Sabahans are now living in Singapore. Good "face value" is certainly better than bad "face value." Furthermore, Singapore is not just all surface glitter and nothing substantive. Anybody who has an ounce of intelligence can see the clear superiority of Singapore over Malaysia in terms of political freedom and economic wealth.
As to Singaporean "complaining" it is customary for people of a free country to "complain." The complaint in the form of constructive criticism are necessary for any country to continue to refine its policies to better serve the people. Only when a country is totally despotic and prohibits freedom of criticizing the government will there be total "support" of the government. There were no public criticism of the UMNO government until now due to the fear of the police and jail. But now, all of a sudden everybody is condemning UMNO as they can see that UMNO is heading toward collapse and they no longer fear it.
But no Singaporeans are talking about emigrating to the degree that Sabahans are talking about emigrating. Certainly, no Singaporeans are moving to Malaysia in the same number that Malaysians are moving to Singapore.
superiority of Singapore over Malaysia in terms of political freedom and economic wealth
Economic i agree because they don't practise corruption.
But political freedom??? You must be kidding me... hahahahaha... That is the best joke fo today.
ya laa... that is a good joke. My relatives in singapore would really love this stuff.
ReplyDeleteSingapore did emigrating from Malaysia in 1969.
ReplyDeleteCongrat YTL !! untuk warga Sabah jangan terlalu emosi dan beria ia untuk berpisah dengan Semenanjung dan jangan diletakkan punca semua kesalahan di kalangan orang orang semenanjung. Bukan sahaja rakyat sabah yang menderita tapi majoriti rakyat semenanjung juga mengalami kesan yang sama. Betapa malunya saya mempunyai seorang perdana menteri yang bodoh dan timbalan perdana menteri pula seorang penjenayah. Kini negara ini perlu reformasi tiada lagi kepercayaan 100% terhadap ahli kongres BN.... perkara yang perlu sekarang ialah berusaha untuk menukar pentadbiran yang baru yang lebih matang dengan sokongan seluruh rakyat dan membina kembali Malaysia yang 'musnah' dengan ideologi korup BN. Rakyat perlu matang dalam proses untuk memperbaharui Malaysia. Apa-apa jua perkara hendaklah dibincang dan bukan hanya suara satu pihak perlu didengar. Untuk membina kembali Malaysia, Sabah dan Sarawak memerlukan masa untuk memperbaiki setiap kekurangan pada segenap ruang. Sebagai seorang bekas anggota keselamatan yang pernah berkhidmat di Sabah selama beberapa tahun saya akui akan kesusahan dan kedaifan yang di alami oleh warga Sabah dan menyebabkan ramai di kalangan warga sabah berhijrah ke semenanjung untuk mencari peluang hidup yang lebih baik. Tidak dinafikan juga ramai yang telah beristeri dan bersuamikan warga kedua dua tanah ini. Relevannya saya sendiri menganggap bahawa sabah juga 'tanah tumpah darahku'. Oleh itu warga Sabah khususnya, bersatulah untuk membina bukan sahaja Sabah malah Malaysia Baru demi masa depan yang lebih baik.
ReplyDelete'Maju Sabah, Maju Malaysia'
x-front line combatant sabah
Another PR kata-kata manis, go away! Sabah republic!
ReplyDeleteThis will be beginning of the end for SAPP.
ReplyDeleteYes, PR sucks, they don't even care about Sabah on last election. Why? they don't care about us. Only now when they need few votes to be fed govt, they go say something like they pity us and wanting to help us. Sounds familiar rite? Same thing with different version. Then they would go say something BN this and that. It may be BN's fault but at the same time, it's due to our weak leaders!
ReplyDeleteOpt for Sabah independence! Call for new breed of leaders!
'Singapore did emigrating from Malaysia in 1969.'
yeah! whole stocks and barrels.
Bravo! Show us what you got Mr Yong, Please do this not only for yourself but for the welfare of all Sabahan. Sabah really lack of everything such as sustainable source of income for the indigenous ppl, lack of foreign investment to create more jobs, lack of modern facilities like research center etc. All the goodies only can be found in West Malaysia but why not in Sabah? Therefore, i support your demand for more from PM, and for those Sabah minister didn't ask for more because they are coward and selfish. All sabah ppl must stand up and be brave in order to have a better future. All Sabah ppl will rally behind you and support you no matter whats the consequences.
ReplyDeleteI must say your act is very brave..i'm a sarawakian and i feel very ashamed that none of our mp's dare to pen their mouth against all the injustices to Sabah & Sarawak.Compare to Peninsula, we are at least 3 decades behind in terms of development!!
ReplyDeleteSAPP did the right thing and many malaysian support you. It is very brave thing to do and many BN component parties will attack SAPP fot it. Be brave and the rakyat wil reward SAPP come next election.
ReplyDeleteList of racial discriminations in Malaysia, practiced by government as well as government agencies. This list is an open secret. Best verified by government itself because it got the statistics.
ReplyDeleteThis list is not in the order of importance, that means the first one on the list is not the most important and the last one on the list does not mean least important.
This list is a common knowledge to a lot of Malaysians, especially those non-malays (Chinese, Ibans, Kadazans, Orang Asli, Tamils, etc) who were being racially discriminated.
Figures in this list are estimates only and please take it as a guide only. Government of Malaysia has the most correct figures. Is government of Malaysia too ashamed to publish their racist acts by publishing racial statistics?
This list cover a period of about 50 years since independence (1957).
List of racial discriminations (Malaysia):
(1) Out of all the 5 major banks, only one bank is multi-racial, the rest are controlled by malays
(2) 99% of Petronas directors are malays
(3) 3% of Petronas employees are Chinese
(4) 99% of 2000 Petronas gasoline stations are owned by malays
(5) 100% all contractors working under Petronas projects must be bumis status
(6) 0% of non-malay staffs is legally required in malay companies. But there must be 30% malay staffs in Chinese companies
(7) 5% of all new intake for government army, nurses, polices, is non-malays
(8) 2% is the present Chinese staff in Royal Malaysian Air Force (RMAF), drop from 40% in 1960
(9) 2% is the percentage of non-malay government servants in Putrajaya. But malays make up 98%
(10) 7% is the percentage of Chinese government servants in the whole government (in 2004), drop from 30% in 1960
(11) 95% of government contracts are given to malays
(12) 100% all business licensees are controlled by malay government e.g. Approved Permits, Taxi Permits, etc
(13) 80% of the Chinese rice millers in Kedah had to be sold to malay controlled Bernas in 1980s. Otherwise, life is make difficult for Chinese rice millers
(14) 100 big companies set up, managed and owned by Chinese Malaysians were taken over by government, and later managed by malays since 1970s e.g. MISC, UMBC, UTC, etc
(15) At least 10 Chinese owned bus companies (throughout Malaysia, throughout 40 years) had to be sold to MARA or other malay transport companies due to rejection by malay authority to Chinese application for bus routes and rejection for their application for new buses
(16) 2 Chinese taxi drivers were barred from driving in Johor Larkin bus station. There are about 30 taxi drivers and 3 are Chinese in October 2004. Spoiling taxi club properties was the reason given
(17) 0 non-malays are allowed to get shop lots in the new Muar bus station (November 2004)
(18) 8000 billion ringgit is the total amount the government channeled to malay pockets through ASB, ASN, MARA, privatisation of government agencies, Tabung Haji etc, through NEP over 34 years period
(19) 48 Chinese primary schools closed down since 1968 - 2000
(20) 144 Indian primary schools closed down since 1968 - 2000
(21) 2637 malay primary schools built since 1968 - 2000
(22) 2.5% is government budget for Chinese primary schools. Indian schools got only 1%, malay schools got 96.5%
(23) While a Chinese parent with RM1000 salary (monthly) cannot get school-text-book-loan, a malay parent with RM2000 salary is eligible
(24) 10 all public universities vice chancellors are malays
(25) 5% - the government universities lecturers of non-malay origins had been reduced from about 70% in 1965 to only 5% in 2004
(26) Only 5% is given to non-malays for government scholarships over 40 years
(27) 0 Chinese or Indians were sent to Japan and Korea under "Look East Policy"
(28) 128 STPM Chinese top students could not get into the course that they aspired e.g. Medicine (in 2004)
(29) 10% place for non-bumi students for MARA science schools beginning from year 2003, but only 7% are filled. Before that it was 100% malays
(30) 50 cases whereby Chinese and Indian Malaysians, are beaten up in the National Service program in 2003
(31) 25% is Malaysian Chinese population in 2004, drop from 45% in 1957
(32) 7% is the present Malaysian Indians population (2004), a drop from 12% in 1957
(33) 2 million Chinese Malaysians had emigrated to overseas since 40 years ago
(34) 0.5 million Indian Malaysians had emigrated to overseas
(35) 3 million Indonesians had migrated into Malaysia and became Malaysian citizens with bumis status
(36) 600000 are the Chinese and Indian Malaysians with red IC and were rejected repeatedly when applying for citizenship for 40 years. Perhaps 60% of them had already passed away due to old age. This shows racism of how easily Indonesians got their citizenship compare with the Chinese and Indians
(37) 5% - 15% discount for a malay to buy a house, regardless whether the malay is poor or rich
(38) 2% is what Chinese new villages get compare with 98% of what malay villages got for rural development budget
(39) 50 road names (at least) had been changed from Chinese names to other names
(40) 1 Dewan Gan Boon Leong (in Malacca) was altered to other name (e.g. Dewan Serbaguna or sort) when it was being officially used for a few days. Government try to shun Chinese names. This racism happened in around year 2000 or sort
(41) 0 churches/temples were built for each housing estate. But every housing estate got at least one mosque/surau built
(42) 3000 mosques/surau were built in all housing estates throughout Malaysia since 1970. No churches, no temples are required to be built in housing estates
(43) 1 Catholic church in Shah Alam took 20 years to apply to be constructed. But told by malay authority that it must look like a factory and not look like a church. Still not yet approved in 2004
(44) 1 publishing of Bible in Iban language banned (in 2002)
(45) 0 of the government TV stations (RTM1, RTM2, TV3) are directors of non-malay origins
(46) 30 government produced TV dramas and films always showed that the bad guys had Chinese face, and the good guys had malay face. You can check it out since 1970s. Recent years, this tendency becomes less
(47) 10 times, at least, malays (especially Umno) had threatened to massacre the Chinese Malaysians using May 13 since 1969
(48) 20 constituencies won by DAP would not get funds from the government to develop. Or these Chinese majority constituencies would be the last to be developed
(49) 100 constituencies (parliaments and states) had been racistly re-delineated so Chinese voters were diluted that Chinese candidates, particularly DAP candidates lost in election since 1970s
(50) Only 3 out of 12 human rights items are ratified by Malaysia government since 1960
(51) 0 - elimination of all forms of racial discrimination (UN Human Rights) is not ratified by Malaysia government since 1960s
(52) 20 reported cases whereby malay ambulance attendances treated Chinese patients inhumanely, and malay government hospital staffs purposely delay attending to Chinese patients in 2003. Unreported cases may be 200
(53) 50 cases each year whereby Chinese, especially Chinese youths being beaten up by malay youths in public places. We may check at police reports provided the police took the report, otherwise there will be no record
(54) 20 cases every year whereby Chinese drivers who accidentally knocked down malays were seriously assaulted or killed by malays
(55) 12% is what ASB/ASN got per annum while banks fixed deposit is only about 3.5% per annum
There are hundreds more racial discriminations in Malaysia to add to this list of "colossal" racism. It is hope that the victims of racism will write in to expose racism.
Malaysia government should publish statistics showing how much malays had benefited from the "special rights" of malays and at the same time tell the statistics of how much other minority races are being discriminated.
Hence, the responsibility lies in the Malaysia government itself to publish unadulterated statistics of racial discrimination.
If the Malaysia government hides the statistics above, then there must be some evil doings, immoral doings, shameful doings and sinful doings, like the Nazi, going on onto the non-malays of Malaysia.
Civilized nation, unlike evil Nazi, must publish statistics to show its treatment on its minority races. This is what Malaysia must publish……….
We are asking for the publication of the statistics showing how "implementation of special rights of malays" had inflicted colossal racial discrimination onto non-malays.
Good article!
ReplyDeleteCongratulation to you. You are a great man, may God bless you in all your hard works.
You would make Dr Mahathir to cry again. Though Malaysian Chinese students are discriminately barred from entering into the local universities in spite of outstanding results, they are forced to study overseas.
Nowadays, the degrees obtained by these students are widely accepted, they can face the world-trend of globalization.
They are not accepted by their own country, but they are welcome by all countries throughout the world.
Singapore is not that great, but look at Malaysia; lots of natural resources, a larger population, yet still a third class world country.
Come on, we achieved independence at the same time……….
In Malaysia, you just need two things for survival - work hard for any given opportunity and have a right religious belief. The rest is history.
Malaysian Chinese have no future in Malaysia. That corrupt, incompetent and lazy majority will run our beloved country to the ground.
Emigrate if you have the chance to do so.
Well, I am also one of them victim of brain drain and all my fellow friends.
I wish I am not a Malaysian and never wish that my next generations would suffer the same faith as I do.
I wish to point out that the Orang Asli, not the malays, are the original inhabitants of Malaysia. Most of the malay Malaysians came from Sumatra and other parts of Indonesia. They only migrated here much earlier than the Chinese and Indian Malaysians. It does not mean they deserve privileges or rights just because they were the pioneer immigrants.
ReplyDeleteIt is true that there have been abuses under the name of malay special rights and it is the duty of the malays in particular, and all Malaysians in general, to stop it so that the rightful malays get their rights, and the non-malays get their rights as citizens of this country.
It is a sad thing to say, but I do believe the main thing that is holding back malays is not the Chinese or the Indians, but the malays themselves. That is why Badawi and Mahathir have been quoted as telling to throw away crutches and work hard to face the challenges of globalisation.
The malay and others of the same mind should learn to stand on their own feet rather than claim for special rights and privileges. The world is becoming globalised and if they don't change their attitude, they will only become beggars in their own country.
As for the malays who insist on hiding behind the veil of malay special rights - you have lost the respect of non-malays a long time ago.
We also suspect that the current situation will, unfortunately, get worse if no action is taken now. Why? Because our kids in school hardly mix with each other. They will grow up with little understanding of their fellow Malaysians, and with the suspicions that exist, it will be worse.
The truth of the matter is that polarisation in Malaysia is caused by the discriminatory practises of the government - especially after the NEP - rather than vernacular education.
The NEP is upheld for the rich and not the poor in Malaysia.
Whether we admit it or not, the problem is that the special rights and privileges given have now resulted in only a selected few malays getting richer and richer. The bulk of the malays, especially in the rural areas are not benefiting from the system.
Poor people are poor people, rich people are rich people - no matter which race they come from.
The poor in Malaysia must be served but I am sure all taxpayers feel that this should be done in a manner which is blind to age, ethnicity, gender and religion.
What is wrong with extending help to all deserving citizens based on merits and needs regardless of race?
The Malaysia problem is that rich do become richer. And because of the political system, the players are the same.
Out of control - this is all I can say about any type of enforcement and the level of corruption in Malaysia. No idea what Badawi has done in his four years in office but judging from the ground, I guess nothing much.
If you have ever heard of the simple saying, "Give a man a fish, he eats for a day, teach him how to fish and he eats for a lifetime." you will realise that many non-malays have learned how to fish but the government is still handing out fishes to the malays. One day the fish will run out.
If you want to say discrimination is here in the US, yes, of course it is. Can you name a country where it doesn't happen? But let me tell you one thing - if you go looking for it, you will find it. But in Malaysia, you don't have to go look for it because it seeks you out, slaps you in your face every which way you turn, and is sanctioned by law!
Official figures have more than one million Chinese Malaysians emigrating over the past 25 years. Why did they emigrate? I am sure the government knows.
For most professionals, living abroad has its own ups and downs. But you get dignity, fair treatment and respect for your ability. You get a voice too. And ears to hear you.
Brain drain by the tank-loads is what we get. Every single year, Malaysia loses people who could potentially contribute to the country immensely.
So malay, you may keep your rights and perpetuate them. Such things are archaic. Who loses in the end? Your country, which should have been a first world one by today.
I sympathize with those that have benefited from the NEP, but the bad news is that the price he pays for his progress is much higher than what he pays for his benefit.
These special rights and privileges were once a necessity for them to move forward. Today, after many decades, they find themselves still standing in the same place.
It is a shame that our history has been constantly twisted so that our younger generation has no understanding of Malaysia's foundation and its true aspiration.
It is arguable that if not for the contributions of the Chinese and Indian Malaysians who helped in the development of this country tremendously, Malaysia would probably be in same category like Indonesia or the Philippines, if not worst.
To improve the malays lot, more have to be made to work in private companies where competition is real and what count is your ability. If special rights only help malays to become government servants, then all the more reason not to invoke special rights.
But of course, the present ruling elite drunken with wealth, will continue to fight this dream to ensure that Malaysia is kept divided so that BN can continue to rule.
Alternatively, Malaysians may begin to realise the dream of a new Malaysia.
The bitter truth is that the majority of this nation don't see the need to change things yet and until then, we can do little about it.
The bottom line with present day globalisation is this: compete on a level-playing field or you will lose. Plain and simple.
What are these guys waiting for? A prolonged masochism? Don't punish yourselves further. Just leave the damn circus clowns BN for good, don't go independent and wait till the next elections, you don't owe BN shit. Join PKR and set your terms there.
ReplyDeleteOnce bitten twice shy.
Im a Sarawakian and ever stay at KK for 3 yrs during my study. I've found that KK is better than Kuching in many ways (mayb bcoz Taib is more greedy than Musa). But when i came to KL, wow, massive diff and that The Borneos have lagged behind far far away. Im shamed to be a so called an East Malaysian.
ReplyDeleteYes, our basic infrastructure need to be improved! What is the reason for a oil producing state to suffer high price petrol when Sabah Sarawak DO NOT have a good public transport system like KL's? In KL, YOU can adapt to life using the LRT, Rapid KL n etc, but Borneos?? Well, its time up for the Babi Negara to rule the country. Do you know why Sarawak is not as agressive as Sabah MP's and hide as a corward not daring to stand up like Datuk Yong? That is bcoz those so called MPs are being BABY FEED by the WHITE BULU TAIB and they never care the rakyats as their pocket is oozing with cash!!! Stop corruption! We want a fair government! Lets kick out BN!!!
Have you ever heard or seen blogs that posted with so much comments with so much angered and hatred during Dr. M's time??
ReplyDeleteThe answer is NOOOOOOOOO!!
Buss YTK, jagan sakap saja, turus bikin....urang urang sabah puas suda kana main....
ReplyDeleteYang YB YB lain, ingat kamurang punya pucket, siapa ingat urang sabah.......Raymond, what say u............
YTK greedy or ..............
Please read "Human book" comment, and i hope for those Bumiputra and Malay background will read too. Who being racist and who are the evil behind the downturn of Malaysia economy.
ReplyDeleteAh ya sia lupa pula, itu lain lain punya politikus, masam Musang, Anipah, Pailin, Liew, Johnny and tia lupa dompok sam kurub ............Kaurang punya mata ada sakit kah, Sabah kana rogol kiri kanan atas bawa puntaik nampak kah....
ReplyDeleteSayang pikir itu pucket kamu talampau dalam, mau kasi isi punu punu dulu......
tiapa, mana lah tau PRU next change, kamurang turus kana buang.........
Many had said that Singapore is not politically free. I never heard of political prisoners in Singapore. I've heard of at least one Sabahan political prisoner jailed for advocating Sabah independence. I've also heard of at least 5 Indians jailed for marching. I've also heard of Indians being blasted with water cannons if not chemicals when they marched. That is not political freedom
ReplyDeleteSingapore may have little tolerance for dissent. But there is also little to dissent about in Singapore. Singapore is rich, peaceful, secure, and general clean and corruption free. Most of those who complain in Singapore has no legitimacy but only try to stir up trouble like wanting to legalize chewing gum or spitting in public. These are true trouble makers not supported by the vast majority of the Singaporeans.
But in Malaysia, people are poor, the streets are dangerous, the government is corrupt, and things are getting worse all the time. There are many legitimate things to complain about. Yet, there is no freedom for people to even talk about racial special rights of the Malays.
In the end, Singapore has genuine freedom for people to complain about genuine issues but there is little cause to complain about in Singapore. In Malaysia there are many legitimate things to complain about but there is no freedom to complain about anything.
I agree wholeheartedly with vokoyo. It is well written and touched the major points effectively. Malay speical rights had ruined many Chinese people's lives without demonstrably improving the lives of the common Malays. The fact that Singapore has done 5 times better than Malaysia without any of Malaysia's natural wealth is testament to the fact that a racially equal society that is well governed can benefit the people much better than abundant natural wealth unequally divided and administered by a corrupt and incompetent government.
ReplyDeleteIn the end, I'm very pssimistic about Sabah's future within Malaysia because there is little chance of abolishing the special rights of the Malays. Sabah's best chance is still to join Singapore.
Ketua Menteri jangan ikut pantat PM , Kao sudah kaya, rakyat menderita di Sabah ini. Beras sekarang pun sudah naik RM28 sepuluh kilo!!!!dulu baru harga RM18 ,mana beras 15%hancur?tembirang ja menteri pertanian sabah, cakap ikut skrip dalam tv! subsidi apa bn cakap!!!!kita punya bas pun hot con,bila bn mau bagi keselesaan!!!suruh yb yb sabah naik bas, tenguk muka diorg mesti suka punya. keretapi pun enda siap siap,mcm yb yb juga, lembab!viva yb yb sabah, buat lah kamu rumah basar basar dgn duit rakyat!!!jgn turun padang tanya masalah rakyat, cari projek juta juta supaya sanang sendiri!!!
ReplyDeletei hope sabah and sarawak can mederka.
ReplyDeleteThe greedy Malayas have raped Sabah & Sarawak soil since we joined them 4 decades ago..and what did we get??Even our roads are non existent, and public transportation..Sabah LRT ada laa!!I fully support we ask for at least 20% oil royalty if not more.And Project IC is really disgusting, those in power are the real anak haram, legitimizing these juz to keep in power.WAKE UP SABAH SARAWAK..claim your rights!
ReplyDeleteSAPP is the pace setter. Other BN component parties had better look up to them.
ReplyDeleteCongratulation.....Datuk Yong....u make us proud......
ReplyDeleteDatuk Yong no matter whther its your personal issue that brought to this or not but still I'm so happy as all the matters brought up by Datuk are all the truth ILLEGALS, OIL LOYALTY that SABAH should own but never being given to SABAH eventhough its part of SABAH, what i can say is that EVERYTHING that being enjoyed most came from SABAH..no SABAH then no MALAYSIA...PAK LAH LISTEN UP...DONT CAKAP KOSONG..WHEN SABAH MP BROUGHT UP THIS ISSUES U THINK ALL ARE CRAP BUT NOW WHEN DATUK YONG GIV VOTE OF NO CONFIDENCE U THROW BASELESS CRITICS....WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO EARN OUR DEMAND AS MALAYSIAN...THE WORST PM IN MALAYSIA HISTORY..U R SIMILAR COMPARED TO ZIMBABWE PM MUGABE WHO DOESNT HAV ANY BALLS TO STEP DOWN...SHAME ON YOU~~~~
ReplyDeleteWhy do SAPP choose this moment to voice their dissent? You should voice your problem before the election or during the election campaign. By tipu the rakyat to vote for you as Barisan Nasional Candidate then now you try to leave the BN sure show how insincere of your part and you seem to have some ulterior motive that seek to make this country not stable.
ReplyDeletego west...life is peaceful there.
ReplyDeletego west...in the open air.
go west...where the skies are blue.
go west.this is what we're gonna do
Warisan Harta? anyone remember that episode? Is Mr Yong Teck Lee really the man he try to portray himself? So called champion of Sabahan rights?
ReplyDeleteEveryone want change change.. but not all change are good.. read the history book.. By changing to communist, 100 millions of chinese citizen perished in china because of ill planned change. Malaysia is all about berkerjasama and bertolak ansur, change must be well planned and its take time..
Sabahan & Sarawakian should vote to split from Malaysia like what Singapore and Brunei did.
ReplyDeleteKerajaan BN yg tidak bertangguhjawab,merompak loyalty Crude oil and Natural gas di Sabah & Sarawak. caused Sabah the poorest, and Sarawak 4th poorest in Malaysia. but this 2 states the RICHEST in natural resources in Malaysia. kita macam dijajah oleh kerajaan BN UMNO..so well done MR LEE and his Party,go ahead to quit from BN.I respect u.PM A.Badawi is a useless dumb like former Taiwanese 阿扁 duit haram masuk pocket sendiri.Make all M,sians suffer..SEMUA NAIK cuma GAJii belum naik..
SAPP made a good move of no confidence against the PM.
ReplyDeleteThis is already a sign to indicate that sabahans are not too pleased the way federal adress the issues pertaining to sabah eg, ecomonic, developments illegal immigrants, fake ic's. issuing citizenships to foreigners, educations and etc...
Kick out Musa tak aman out of office...... and replace with a dynamic leader.
On the other hand. sabahans should form their own party. this will give the BN a frown. Now sabahan had made a greatest mistake by inviting UMNO to come into sabah. WHY????
the answer lies in your own hand... Its never too late... All of u still got a good chance to regain control of sabah.
Makkal Shakti
Stupid Ong Kar Ting - MCA
ReplyDeleteStupid Koh Tsu Koon - Gerakan
Stupid Sami Vellu - MIC
As Usual Balls Carrier
May These 3 Parties vanishes
into thin air IMMEDIATELY.
Still doesnt get the message
SAPP may be a small party
but is a real malaysian
cili padi.. BRAVO
ck must be one of UMNO’s cybertroopers acting as agent provocateur here!
ReplyDeleteTurning your backs on UMNO/BN is a no-brainer!
Nobody should tolerate so much corruptions & even murders!
Justice for Altantuya & Jalil Ibrahim (BMF Scandal)! Is that too much to ask?
abdullah sudah mula takut. sementara tidak mahu pecat SAPP.ha ha...
ReplyDeletegood work SAPP. i sokong
SAPP boleh
ReplyDeletethis is what u call a true leader.speak out for people. Praising to God and please what SAPP have done. SARAWAKIAN LEADER.......where are u??????how come my leader (i m a sarawakian) dont speak up for the GOOD for SARAWAKIAN.............wake up leader.....
ReplyDeleteck said...
ReplyDeleteWarisan Harta? anyone remember that episode? Is Mr Yong Teck Lee really the man he try to portray himself? So called champion of Sabahan rights?
Everyone want change change.. but not all change are good.. read the history book.. By changing to communist, 100 millions of chinese citizen perished in china because of ill planned change. Malaysia is all about berkerjasama and bertolak ansur, change must be well planned and its take time..
June 19, 2008 9:21 PM
How many more years does it take ? another 30 ? by then there won't be another 30
Stop denying the truth, nothing will change, nothing has change
There's a saying that "Dying man speaks the truth" - I hope that the truth on Sabah that you mentioned yesterday (18-June-2008) was not a reflection of a dying politician. However, your spirit will leave on if you've become a sacrifice. You'll not die fruitlessly.
ReplyDeleteNOW is turn for SARAWAK...
ReplyDeleteWhat are u doing there...
Still sokong abdullah???
Which party do you think will form the next government of Malaysia ?
ReplyDeleteExpress your feeling at votingmalaysia.blogspot.com
Let's gather 1 million votes together, hand in hand.
To our country leadership and policies markers:
ReplyDeletePlease listen to the rakyat, rakyat is the foundation of the country, is the rakyat who build the nation, not BN government or the previous and incumbent PM.
Please don't ignore the rakyat voice, don't make decision and spent public (rakyat) money on your own perspective and not the rakyat's perspective.
Please don't make the rakyat like "pengemis" begging for fuel rebates, projects is not the rakyat
ask for but a equatable and fair treatment by the govn and policies
I sokong SAPP move, our political senario have to be change, not only
Pak Lah should step down, our govn
really really need to re-structure.
Who's is the selfish and tamak leaders? Rakyat have eyes to see.
马华总会长黄家定,人聯黨秘書陳華貴,巫青團長希山慕丁,國大黨主席三美威鲁,陈广才及黄家泉 no shame,big asshole. Well done MR Yong Teck Lee your are bravest BN politician i ever see before..i 100% support and respect your decision..unlike some others BN party component echoing and only care their own interest.
ReplyDeleteSARAWAK LEADER......
ReplyDelete"u takut lah"........
Another PR kata-kata manis, go away! Sabah republic!
over my dead body, no way sabah republic
Sarawak & Sabah need more politician like Mr Yong, HELLO! Sarawak leader where are u,if u got "Ball",pls fight for your people.support SAPP.