Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Umno Tawau's big appetite

It was reported that UMNO Tawau passed a resolution that Tawau parliamentary seat be given to UMNO since the majority of the voters are Muslim Bumiputera.


  1. It shows how arrogant and greedy Umno will get...if they are allowed to stay longer in Sabah.

    To all Sabah voters, politicians.
    Why can't you follow SAPP's bold step? Coward politicians should resign their elected posts since the people lost confidence in them.

    With the entry of Umno, MCA, Gerakan, MIC into Sabah, we are actually being colonised by the Feds (West Malaysians)....Why???

    Can't we Sabah people reject them now? To all the coward politicians especially the local parties, like Datuk Yong said it is the "Window of Opportunity" that we have been waiting for and once it's over unless we booted out BN from Sabah, then we can have what we were supposed to 'status quo' like Sarawak.

    We can have the pan-borneo alliance comprising of Sabah & Sarawak based parties (no UMNO, no MCA, Gerakan etc from West Malaysia) and we can partnership which is equal and not being dominated by BN-Umno from KL.

    Wake up! We cannot afford to be under KL forever. ACt now!!!!!

  2. To UMNO TAWAU Taufik titingan and your bunch of PENDATANG TANPA IZIN don't has the right to speak for Sabah bcos you guys are the PENDATANG TANPA IZIN in the first place.

    Please look at Tawau town full of rubbish and PTI.

    Negara kita akan hancur sebab kamu yang pengkhianat bangsat makan duit haram. Hari2 cakap suci dalam agama kamu tapi tidak dapat tipu TUHAN YANG MAHA KUASA.

    Sabahans don't need such RACIST and yet IN-COMPETENCE people like you to lead us to longkang.

    We want a leader to lead Sabah with dignity and pride and not evil way done by you UMNO TAWAU for bringing in the ILLEGAL MUSLIM IMMIGRANTS!

  3. It is inevitable that the UMNO Malays will slowly eat into the share of the Chinese constituencies. If the Chinese population is still 30% or more like it was 45 years ago, then they could defend their rights in the government. But with an ever decreasing population, it is a matter of time that they will have no representation in the government. And then they will have no protection at all from the government.

    People like VK Liew thinks he is very smart by remaining with the BN and taking over the postions lost by SAPP when it (SAPP) leaves the BN. But the truth is that even if some SAPP positions might be given to LDP, yet over the long term these positions will be given to UMNO. Why should any positions be given to LDP since it is nothing more than an obedient dog that must obey the command of the UMNO anyway? Does LDP dare to challenge UMNO in anyway if it does not get the positions it thinks it deserves? Obviously not. Therefore, why should UMNO give anything to LDP? The way UMNO look at things is that if LDP wants to get out of BN, then let it get out. Then UMNO can take over the positions vacated by LDP. And LDP being isolated and alone and has no allies, must stay with the BN and continue to be a nonentity to be treated with contempt by UMNO.

    The only hope for the Chinese and the KDM is to unite into a Pan-Borneo Alliance and turn themselves into a powerful force that can challenge the wishes of the UMNO and take over the government of Malaysia in a coalition with PR and so regain control of Sabah. And only by expanding the population of the Chinese can the current Chinese in Sabah have any hope of becoming a powerful political force.

    The Chinese in Sabah should wake up and understand that when any Chinese leaves Sabah it is bad for the rest of the Chinese remaining in Sabah because it reduces their political base. The Chinese must learn the meaning of unity and strength in number. The truth is it is already too late since the Malays UMNO already control more than 50% of the seats in parliament. But if Chinese like VK Liew still only think of itself and not of the Chinese as a whole, then the situation for the Chinese is just a continuous slide until their number sinks below 3% and they have no political representation at all. Then the parangs will come out like in Indonesia and the Chinese will get slaughtered like they were slaughtered in Indonesia. Then where will the remaining Chinese go? Where will VK Liew go? Where will VK Liew's children and grandchildren go?

  4. Muslim BUMIPUTRA (tawau)... setahu saya semua org bugis ni yg baru dari sulawesi mengaku bumiputra. balik indon lah.

  5. Saya setuju dengan awak Sabahanright - mengenai soal UMNO Tawau - inilah kerja mereka .....TAMAK ....RAKUS tak apa, tau tak orang TAMAK / RAKUS akhirnya akan rugi...tau kenapa? Tuhan marah, tak hari ini...esok...lusa akan sampai masa nya.....kalau tidak bapa mamanya....anak cucu cicit mereka ....pasti akan terima balasannya, percaya lah.....

    Memang benar sejak Parti-Parti semenanjung ni seperti UMNO / MCA dan MIC masuk sabah....tak ada lain kerja mereka .....semua mereka mau, dari kerusi ADUN, PARLIMEN sehingga lah projek-projek, kontrak-kontrak...apa saja yang mendatangkan duit....menghasilkan duit semua mereka mau pajak .... bila sudah asik cari projek mana ada masa lagi mau tahu masaalah rakyat sabab.

    Mereka ni tidak mahu kerja lebih... malas...mereka suka lah jadi ahli Parti dari Semenanjug....sebab kalau banyak ahli....dapat lah pampasan atas hasil kerja kotor mereka....orang kalau sudah biasa disuap sampai bila-bila pun minta disuap saja, sebab malas...sudah biasa senang dapat musim durian runtuh pada ahli UMNO, apa tidaknya kempen mengempen sudah mulai......sapa jadi top 10...loaded lah......

    Soal PTI....ini pun kerja mereka juga...mahu banyak pengundi....mahu banyak ahli.....apa lagi......cakap pun belum lurus orang sabah, sudah dapat i.c. sudah boleh buka gerai, makan, gerai buah-buahan, gerai-gerai tepi jalan, rokok dan sebagainya......apa tidaknya seperti yang saya kata....orang-orang UMNO ambil lesen penjaja, gerai.....tapi bila sudah dapat bagi sewa kepada PTI......senangkan dapat duit...tak payah kerja, tiap-tiap bulan duit masuk..... tapi mana DBKK tidak benteras dan siasat hal ini.....lah apa peduli....DBKK kan geng keras orang-orang UMNO mereka..... tutup mata aja...tutup telinga.....asalkan ada pekeras....suap lagi.....

    Kepada rakyat sabah...sedar lah, sampai bila kita mahu biarkan UMNO dari KL ini mengikis harta di negeri kita ini?

    Orang-orang sabah jadi ahli UMNO ni, tak ada maruah ke? bodoh ke? sehingga tak tahu memimpin rakyat sendiri....mahu bergantung dengan orang-orang KL aja, sedang kan kita tahu ramai mereka ni ada pelajaran....ada kelulusan luar negara.....tapi masih mau jadi KERBAU DICUCUK HIDUNG oleh orang-orang semenanjung......jawapannya ialah supaya senang dapat duit .....ini lah diotak orang-orang sabah yang menjadi ahli UMNO....duit...duit....projek..kontrak....lupa pahala...lupa dosa....lupa rakyat.....berlagak banyak.....tamberang pun banyak....

    Hai orang-orang sabah ahli UMNO /MCA / MIC..cuba lah berdiri dikaki sendiri......negeri sabah ini kita punya......ibarat rumah tangga awak sendiri.....kenapa awak biarkan orang tadbir rumah tangga awak sendiri ?....kenapa awak biarkan isteri, anak awak diperalatkan oleh orang luar?...mana maruah awak semua ? awak bangga Ke? memang dasar muka tembok .....sanggup buat apa saja demi wang.....tolong jangan tipu rakyat dan jangan sekali-kali TIPU TUHAN......Taufik Titingan.....kau orang Islam.....jangan peralatkan Islam dan jangan cemarkan Islam dengan perbuatan kau yang rakus dan Tamak itu....memang betul kamu lah agen-agen PTI yang banyak di TAWAU.....kerana kamu jadikan mereka alat....untuk jadi pengundi dan ahli UMNO......Islam kamu jadikan alat..ORANG ALIM KONON untuk mencapai matlamat kamu.....untuk mejadi kaya diatas KEPERITAN RAKYAT SABAH ......INSAF LAH TAUFIC KITINGAN....BERPIJAK LAH DIBUMI YANG NYATA....bawa lah kawan-kawan mu, bantu lah SAPP untuk rakyat sabah mendapatkan haknya.....kamu akan mendapat ganjaran yang lebih mulia dari Tuhan....harta kekayaan tidak akan dibawa mati....dan kematian akan tiba pada bila-bila saja.....jangan lupa itu.maka bantu lah kami rakyat sabah yang susah ini, sebelum kau pergi meninggalkan dunia ini.....kerana kau bergelar pemimpin......jadi lah pemimpin yang berjiwa rakyat, yang mulia dimata Tuhan.....bukan jadi pemimpin yang TAMAK & RAKUS......BERDIRI LAH DI KAKI SENDIRI......

  6. org sabah mmg BODOH. memperbodohkan org sabah adalah lebih senang dari memperbodohkan seekor lembu. kah kah kah.. org sabah pengecut, cuma berani cakap belakang di blog aja, tapi tak berani berperang. oh sabah NEGERI DIBAWAH BAYU (sekarang sudah tukar jadi NEGERI DIBAWAH PENDATANG ASING) wakakaka.. nasib la.. kami org semenanjung pun sudah lama bencikan KERAJAAN BN, Tapi di sabah masih lagi jilat tapak kaki UMNO dan BN. sendiri tanggung la wahai sabahan yg teramat bodoh. kekekeke :p

  7. Tawau,merupakan salah satu tempat di mana bermastautinnya pendatang tanpa izin Filipin mau pun Indon.Mereka ini telah diberi status PR oleh UMNO.Mereka ini juga boleh mengundi.Inilah senjata jahat UMNO Tawau.UMNO pergi mampus!!!Perampas,perogol,penyamun,parasit..Yb Taufik,you can go to ****

  8. One point up again for UMNO ---BN Spirit?!!! Power sharing?!!! And some seats holding by other Sabah component parties--- Umno already "Pain in the Heart" but waiting like Jaws.. Maybe PBS and LDP should offer them their seats.. nevermind no seats, can be appointed ma. As long as you please the FED... Fed Sabah them lah.

  9. "I WAS NEVER UNGRATEFUL TO UMNO: PUTATAN MP" Cried a column in BP Monday 21, July 2008

    The "Ketuanan Melayu and Islam" is now vigorously pursued by UMNO. Pak Lah is roping "top PAS" in his last three meeting.

    I have always admired Sabahans for always thinking "OUTSIDE THE BOX" as student of YS-ITM (mid 70s under late Tun Mustapha) and then has the opportunity to work as a bank officer in Sabah (late 70s and early 80s under Datuk Harris Salleh).

    I have known Datuk Dr Marcus ( his late wife was an Iban from my area).

    His (Datuk Dr Marcus) urging PM to "slow down" on the "KETUANAN Melayu" for me is a sensible thing to tell the young turks in UMNO.

    Datuk Yahya Hussin's response indicated the herd mentality of UMNO men when they are in the corridor of power. He wants patronage in return for the "goodies" and to tow the line.

    Food for thought for us non-Muslim ethnic groups in Sabah and Sarawak to ponder on. For 45 years we are still classied as "OTHERs" in all official documents. The Malays are given preferential treatments but what happen to us - Non-Muslim Minorities in Sabah and Sarawak?

    In Sarawak, ROS continue to reject the registration of Malaysian Dayak Congress (MDC), whereas and Indian party led by Nala (ex-PKR) was registered in less than 4 months.

    My suggestion is pursue the idea of regional political grouping of non-Muslim Political party to represent the ethnic minorities in Sabah and Sarawak. We have the numbers to be power broker. Young leader like Mathius Tangggau, Datuk Dr. Marcus, Datuk Dr. Eric Majimbun (MP-Sepanggar),etc for Sabah and Dr. John Brian (read his Dayak Baru web log), Nicholas Bawin, Dr. Paul Raja, Baru Bian, Dr Dusit Jaol, etc for Sarawak

    DCCI and Kadazan-dusun Asociation has been forming the right connection to pursue areas of common interests.

    I will work hard to see Machan and Ngemah DUN make changes because the wakil rakyat in these 2 contituencies dare not speak up on where it matters in Dewan Udangan Negeri Sarawak. In the next Election to work on Kanowit for MP who dare speak up on Dayak Agenda.
