Friday, November 19, 2010

Take the World Bank's report as an impetus for improvement

KOTA KINABALU, November 18, 2010: The State Government should take the recent World Bank's report that Sabah is still the poorest state in Malaysia as a constructive criticism and an impetus to double its efforts in poverty eradication, instead of being hostile and to swing into a 'total denial' state, said Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) supreme council, Chong Pit Fah.
He asserted that both the Federal and the State governments should acknowledge that there is still much to be done to address the high poverty rate in Sabah, and to quickly identify the problems hindering poverty eradication in Sabah.
He contended that the State Government should also stop blaming and accusing the media of twisting the facts when they were merely highlighting the facts, especially when they (and their families) too are feeling the pinch of the "inconvenient truth" of the sheer imbalance in their take home pay and the high cost of living in the state.
"As the matter of fact, many members of the local media organizations too had been complaining about difficulty to make ends meet due to their meager and stagnant salary, as compared to the high cost of living in Sabah which continues to escalate due to a high inflation rate," he said in a statement issued here Friday.


  1. There are still room for improvements.

  2. Sabah perlu membangun untuk keluar dari belenggu kemiskinan.

  3. state government will do the best to solve this poverty in Sabah. But this proplem need supporter form all us, not government only. So, we believe that our state will clear from the poverty later.

  4. The world Bank report can make government take action to handle the poverty in this State. So, we with what the next action will government do to solve this poverty.

  5. Joe and sabahan friends:
    -Believing sabahan is on the right track and fight on for righteous.
    -Believing justice and truth.
    Need your action now or never, read more from here..
    And response at SAPP centres petition at
    TBH inquest petition need you!

  6. Please take action for this problem. think something to solve the poverty in Sabah. Federal and State government must cooperation handle this issues.

  7. "The State Government should take the recent World Bank's report that Sabah is still the poorest state in Malaysia as a constructive criticism and an impetus to double its efforts in poverty eradication, instead of being hostile and to swing into a 'total denial' state, said Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) supreme council, Chong Pit Fah."

    I couldn't agree more with Chong. I'm sure the government has tried their best to tackle this problem but unfortunately not hard enough. The government should put extra effort to decrease the poverty rate.

  8. I also think that SAPP should come up on a way to help decrease the poverty rate instead of excessively criticizing the government regarding this matter. How is criticizing going to help solve this matter. In times like this, SAPP should cooperate with the government for the sake of Sabah.

  9. we can not blame only to one side. people also need to find their own initiative to improve themselves without expecting help from the government. waiting for assistance is not a guaranteed to get out from the cocoon of poverty.

  10. based on the statement made by govt side, they will implement the recommendations outlined by the World Bank... however, the rakyat also need to double their efforts..

  11. true..there's still much to do to eradicating poverty in sabah.

  12. i wonder if the WB report includes PATI, IMM13 and so on in the study..if so, then its not accurate..

  13. however, the main problem is not the WB report..the problem is poverty in sabah...enough of studies..action is more needed now to eradicating poverty.

  14. No doubt there are still much to be done. We'll see...

  15. Yes, we must look at things positvely and seek ways for improvement thought there may be some distortion on the figures on the survey.

    Put the interest of the "rakyat" first then everyting will fall into place...
