Friday, August 14, 2009

Demo unnecessary as SESB asked to resolve problem fast: CM

Kota Kinabalu: The authorities have done their best to minimise or prevent the perennial power disruptions in the East Coast of the State, said Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman Thursday.

Sabah DAP is planning to hold a peaceful protest on power supply woes in the State on Aug 30.

Well, what do you say?


  1. Musa Aman should stop insulting the intelligence of the people of the State.While the people continue to suffer and millions are lost by the business community,he still has the cheek to say"The authorities have done their best"If this is their best,then he has surely fail to administer and protect the interest of the people.

    The only honourable thing to do is to bow out and resign,and allow a more committed Government to administer the State.

  2. Ha!!ha!!!ha!! orang Sandakan nak berdemo? Mungkin SAPP angkut orang dari KK untuk DEMO!!! he he.. geli hati ku, orang Sandakanlah yang paling senang di beli, datang pilihanraya mereka dah lupa marah mereka yang berkobar kobar kunun tak undi BN, bagi saja RM50... BN tatap menang. Contohnya, orang luar macam VK Liewpun buli manang, kenapa? $$$$$$$$$$ lah..saya gerenti pilihanraya akan datang SAPP gigit jari, silap silap hilang deposit oh... kah! kah! Kah!!!!!!!

  3. Demo or protest is not a solution...we can make use of the judicial system...sue SESB lah

  4. We will have power breaks as long as Sabah says NO to the coal power plant! Someone got the kick back allready and has to deliver the cake now, thats the reason for the power breaks all over Sabah. Tawau and Sandakan said NO, so power breaks several times a day for a long time and then ppl are more willing to say YES to the coal power plant and in the moment the contract is signed the power breaks will faid away! It is all about money paid allready to someone!

  5. coal plant again! that's the reason to make the people believe there is a contract get started. hmm.

  6. Cerita pasal Batu Arang (Coal Plant)lain pula di kedai kopi!
    Kononnya syarikat tertentu yang melibatkan orang tertentu telah melabur dan membeli mesin penjana elektrik dari China...
    Kalau agreeeeement sudah sign jadi apa mcm?
    Die-die pun mesti mau kasi jalan lah atau rugi berjuta ringgit...
    Tidak hairan kalau kes macam Presiden Ong ($10 juta) berlaku tetapi mungkin dalam bentuk lain dan melibatkan $$$ yang besaaaar...
    Saya akan alihkan undi saya kepada pembangkang sebab saya mahu cuba Kerajaan baru. itupun paling lama 5 tahun aje... BN terlalu lama memerintah!!! Kalau kena bagi $$$ saya ambil tapi undi tetap pembangkang...
    Hidup Sabah!!!

  7. Sabahan are weaker outdoor so better make it indoor! What about any stadium? 1 Malaysia ma!

  8. Children said:"we love malaysia but for this year celebrating Merdeka we prefer to receive mouth mask than malaysia flag."
    Please all
    Adun-adun,Ministers,Datuk-Datuk and YBs can you all get the message through? Why slow to response if you really love your rakyat?
    Is it true Klinik Luyang is the sole klinik in Kota Kinabalu with facility for H1N1 medical treatment? Can anyone comment about this or Sabahan MCA at least get the attention of Malaysia Minister of Health?

  9. U all don't try to "play Snake" or "dance snake"... that moustache snake q snakie...

  10. Everytime Sabahans suffer power rationing, blackouts etc., it is the same story:

    CM asks SESB for report;
    SESB submits report to CM and briefs him
    CM then says SESB is trying its best

    But then this scenario has been repeating itself too regularly and for too long. There is gross mismanagement and loss of priorities in SESB. Engineers who should be in the field attending to technical matters are bogged down with paperwork in the office for low priority issues like Anugerah Kualiti Presiden, 5S, ISO etc. What's the use if SESB scores top marks in AKP but the rakyat are left with prolonged power rationing exercises. SESB should get its priorities right.

  11. Lombong arang sudah dibeli. Rugi jika tidak dapat jadi pembekal.

  12. Bukan saja lombong arang sudah dibeli.....kontrektor epc pun sudah dilantik walaupun perjanjian dengan SESB, laporan EIA, lokasi projek dsbnya semua belum lagi dipastikan dan dimuktamadkan!

  13. 沙巴州人民针对近来大停电的心声









  14. 沙巴团結党自從被國陣招安後,该党党魁百林官拜副首席部長兼基本设施部长, 于墨齋出任州資源资訊发展部長後,已失去昔日为民斗争的方向。過去該党 "沙巴人的沙巴"口號喊得響徹雲消,現在已忘得一乾二凈。該党取得利益後(部長職), 已变成哑吧,跟著聯邦的音樂起舞。如今又多了一名麥西慕,後者出任聯邦部長後,對沙巴有何貢獻?解决沙巴長期被忽視落後,連水電,道路等基本民生問題都差過殖民地统治時期嗎?州部長如拜林,于墨齋等,也樂得做 "跟著音樂起舞"的太平部長,尤其是後者于墨齋原本在亞庇亞庇選區以反對党深入民心,被国阵政府招安後,态度一百八十度转变,只是国阵的应声虫。308大选差点落选,只蠃得区区几十票,险过剃头.。

  15. Aiya musang bin tidak aman, jangan lagi membodoh-bodohkan orang sabah lah. Sudah berapa tahun memerintah sabah dan sudah berapa janji manis berjuta-juta peruntukan setiap tahun untuk sabah, BASIC INFRASTRUCTURE macam lektrik pun tidak dapat selesai dan orang Sabah kena suruh tunggu lagi sebab orang bangsa BUAYA sedang memperusahakan menyelesaikan masalah letrik Sabah?

    Jika Pengarah SESB tidak qualify, kenapa tidak pecat mereka semua dan ambil orang yang pandai? Bukan kah kerajaan selalu cakap di mulut HUMAN CAPITAL?

    Pergilah mampus semua orang umno cakap tak serupa bikin saja di Sabah.

  16. This problem has been anticipated ever since and its no longer a surprise. Its all "POLITICS" but take note this load shedding, rationing only happens in the west coast of Sabah where they want the Coal Plant to be build. I agree with one of the comment here. "Someone got the kick back already and has to deliver the cake now". STOP INSULTING THE INTELLIGENCE OF THE PEOPLE.

  17. 时事短评:选福

    三国演义讲述蜀国大將马诿为守战略要地街亭(在甘肅省) 而立下军令狀。自高自大的他不依照丞相诸葛亮指示而將军队驻扎在一个山头,結果不单缺水,还被曹军用火攻击敗。街亭失手,使到诸葛亮北伐曹魏的大汁功功亏一篑。为免军心溃散,他強忍悲痛,依照军法,將馬诿斩首。

    这是一千七百多年前的事,想不到日前国內能源,綠色工艺及水务部次拿督陈华贵下了一介“口头军令狀”。他说,如果本州的平均停电指数在今年12月31日之前无法降至700分钟,迖到首相拿督斯里納吉设下的关键绩效指标(Key Performance Index, KPI),他將会辞职。他说,也许(沙巴电力局董事经理(巴哈林)也该辞职。


    “平均停电指数”英文是System Average Interruption Duration Index,简称SAIDI,是指着某一地区,在一年中停电时间的总和;通常以分钟计算。这定叉和电机及电子工程师学院(IEEE)设下的規格略有差异,不过大家容易明白。另一方面,根据该学院设下的定义,一次电流供应中断超过5分钟,才算是“停电〞。



  18. 二手发电机








  19. 陳華貴用烏沙做擔保


    就在這“風頭火勢”的當兒,聯邦能源、綠色工藝及水務部長陳華貴,到來亞庇為沙邦加聯熹第二座獨立發電廠主啟用禮。面對四方八面的怨都載道, 陳華貴無法迴避,首相納吉交給他的任努、他也必須有個交代。

    結果他說,今年杪把沙巴停電指數降低到七百分鐘的水平,是首相納吉設定的指標,若是今年杪達不到這個指標,他會自摘烏紗,引咎辭職。一個部長把自己的官職押在一個承諾上,在我國尚屬少見。也相信, 陳華貴以為必須押下如此重注,才能取得沙巴人民對他可以解決電供問題的信任、和消除沙巴電力用戶對一個又一個承諾最終逐是落空的心頭之恨。現在如何兌現他的諾言,我們且拭目以待。



    看來, 陳華貴之所以敢把官職押在沙巴停電年杪減低至七百分鐘的承諾上,是以燃煤發電廠作為終極解決方案,因為他說,這是解決沙巴電供短缺問題的最佳選擇。


  20. Ronnie Klassen, Musa Aman and the government are really trying their best to solve this serious problem. I'm not offending you, but criticizing Musa Aman directly for what he is doing is disgusting!! Please mind your manners.

  21. Yeah my personal opinion, do not put a blame to others coz of i believe that no one here is love to see Sabah in a mess and collapse.. like i always say we have a different method to solve any problems.... so let Datuk Musa solve the problem use his own method and i also believe he will consider any suggestion came from rakyats...
